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Monday 26 October 2015

Runic Golem offers ended and packages now shipping!

The pre-order offers on our excellent DH15 Dwarf Runic Golem are now over.  We thank everyone from all across the world who placed an order with us for one, three or in one case twelve of this 28mm scale resin creation.

Packages are being made up now and will be dispatched from here in Scotland today and on Tuesday 27th to customers by Royal Mail and airmail.  Those orders requiring courier service due to weight and size customers will shortly receive an email with details of this service from us.

The DH15 Dwarf Runic Golem will be on general release soon allowing those who placed their orders early to get their axe weilding 65mm tall golems first from us. The response to these offers was such that we may well do another such offer the next time we have a new monster kit.  Time will tell.

Thanks again!


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