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Thursday 1 April 2021

Troll free in every April order and 20% off all orders this month

“Up in the hills and the mountains, in the caves where no one dares go live the Trolls. Eating sheep, eating men, eating rocks. Eating all they can find and when there is no more to find down they come into the valleys and to the villages. Do you know what it takes to kill a Troll? Neither do I. Certainly it is more than we could manage. Arrows by the dozen just stuck in its hide. Blades broken and jutted from its body. The bloody thing just stood there with three fingers up its left nostril and its mouth hanging open. We only got it to move when Erik went about its rear and broke the tip of his pike off in its bum hole. Then it moved all right! Like a bolt of lightening right across the paddock, straight through the stables and off up the slope. We cheered and headed for the ale house. But not Erik...the Troll was loose of bowel and he needed a wash with the pigs!”

This is no joke!  Welcome to April and all this month you will get a free Troll placed automatically in every order shipped out from Alternative Armies.  Also this entire month is the March to War event (read in detail on our BLOG) meaning twenty four new releases and twenty percent off your cart automatically at checkout on screen.  It is a big month and a monster offer!

The two poses of Troll from the VNT9 pack are each 40mm tall metal one piece miniatures great for any scale and fantasy system.  You need do nothing but place an order which requires to be shipped anywhere in the world (no Digital Download orders only sorry!) of any size any number of times and you will get one of the Trolls.  If you would like a particular pose then just ask us in your order notes or by email to quoting your order number. As many orders as you want and ends 9am GMT 1st May 2021. Go HERE.

At the top of this message you can see the classic Fantasy Warlord miniature 20300 Hero of the Carylls 28mm scale facing down two Trolls and above a single CE24 Cystal Elf Spearman doing the same.  I do not fancy their chances much!

This entire month is the mega event and you will be hearing from us rather regularly with NEW RELEASES news during April.  All of these releases are on the website and can be ordered now. I also suggest checking out our INFORMATION page where you can see our shipping rates for normal, courier, free and cheap shipping (UK and Europe zones). 

Thanks for Reading,



  1. Is there any reduced/free shipping rates for international orders? Even if it is with a specified minimum purchase or something?

    1. Hello Ken. Thanks for your comment. This month all orders get 20% off automatically at checkout before shipping is added. Shipping is outlined on this page: I do not know where you are but all regions get free shipping at a certain level and the UK and Europe have cheaper shipping on small orders. All outlined on the link. Thanks. GBS
