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Tuesday 17 February 2015

Katie's Take on the Cryptmass Goblin House for Flintloque

Was it really the festivemass season back in 2013 when we released the funky little Goblin Cryptmass House?  This was our first venture in to resin production in 28mm and while we have moved on and done many more things since then including more for Flintloque this kit resonates with me.

Katie is a firm fan of Flintloque and she has updated her blog with a posting about her work on her own 59007 Cryptmass Goblin House and as you can see she has not gone for a snowy winter but rather an overgrown lichen and moss look.  Its rather fetching I think.

Additionally Katie has managed to get herself a Flintloque section of nineteen miniatures painted at just 300 points in game terms.  This is quite remarkable but then they are 52504 Dwarf Militia.

You can read the whole post and see more HERE.

Go HERE if you want to see more of our own Goblin House. Above is concept art done in the summer of 2013.

Well done Katie!



  1. well done katie ---- double thumbs up!
    heres my version of the house
    (your idea with the moss is genius much clever than mine)

    1. I think both version were very imaginative.


    2. I did ponder making a completely new roof -- I even have a couple of bags of Hama beads (as per but it looked fiddly and I've been short on time lately.

      Maybe AA could have one done as an option for the building?

  2. The house looks great and I think the use of moss on the roof gives it a totally different feel.


    1. It really does. The moss plus the different colouration of the walls makes a very different looking end result.

