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Friday 23 October 2015

Flintloque Books and Starter Packs back in stock soon

At the start of this month Alternative Armies experienced a surge in orders for Flintloque 3rd edition books and as a result we ran out of stock of these great titles. They will soon be back in stock and that means the books themselves plus the book bundle offer and the Shilling Starter Packs too as all of these make use of the printed books. 

You can visit the Flintloque Game System page on our website HERE

Work is going on in the background as you know for new miniatures for Flintloque and the Army of Pudigrochumsberg as well as some other packs in other parts of the range too which you have not yet heard about. I am also tinkering with a new book for the game and more about this will be stated at the right time on our blog. We are planning a new book bundle offer to replace the popular 'Trilogy' set of War in Catalucia, Death in the Snow and Grapeshotte. This will be a 'Tetralogy', yes four books in a bundle. Composing all four current titles including Beir & Bones. It will give you everything in one set and give you a nice little discount too from single book prices. 

Thanks for Reading. 


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