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Wednesday 7 April 2021

Sekoth Guardian Warbird kit 28mm scale released

 “She screamed and pulled at the ropes which bound her to the stone pillar. Her screams had been near ceaseless for an hour and their dark master had been chanting and daubing runes upon the stone flags all that time. The spell was near complete and the Sekoth were motionless but for their breathing and an occasional tongue darting out to caress a dry eye. Beyond the chamber the noise of combat rose as the attackers came nearer. With a single movement of his bony hand the master directed his guardians to the chamber entrance. The enemy was here. A human, his muscled chest streaked with blood and dirt, strode towards the pillar followed by an Elf and a Dwarf. As one the Sekoth raised their bronze swords and maces and gave battle. The spell was near complete and the master would have his sacrifice.”

Now added to the SHM Fantasy Range and sculpted by Greg Saunders an expansion to his Sekoth.  The Sekoth are a reptilian slave race of the darker powers who serve evil masters.  Now alongside the existing infantry a warbird with rider.  Go HERE.

SHM97 Sekoth Guardian Warbird: This 28mm scale pack contains one resin large warbird and a metal rider on saddle with six different choices of weapon arm included. When assembled this model is 70mm tall to riders head and 80mm long from beak to end of tail.  Arms supplied are:  Curved Serrated Blade arm, Banner Arm, Demon Fire Projector arm, Long Straight Sword arm, Iron tipped cudgel arm, Axe holding arm. This pack is supplied unassembled and unpainted without base. 

These rather unique and different fantasy miniatures are great for skirmishes and dungeon crawls.  You can get a pack or single random Sekoth on foot.

If you are an aspiring sculptor and have an idea of a miniature you would like to try and create then perhaps speak to Alternative Armies.  The SHM project allows you to design and learn about materials and molding which will in the end result in something to show the world.  We have worked with nearly two dozen artists this way thus far.  Contact us on if you are interested.

Thanks for Reading,


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