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Thursday 26 January 2023

AS015 Lost Arena Marine released 28mm Alternate Stars range

"Praxis III means doom for most.  The death arenas are filled with those snatched from their own lives and worlds.  Made to fight against others for mega corp gambling syndicates.  Some fighters are skilled enough to survive against unreal odds in the staged tournaments."

AS015 Lost Arena Marine with Missile Launcher.  One 28mm Scale metal miniature.  Use this miniature in any game system of your choosing.

Assembly is required with miniature. Painted images shown on a 30mm round base (code 59525).  Shown with ALT005 Alternia Future Warrior for scale only and not supplied.

Above you can see the original Alternate Stars twelve miniatures. It is our intention to and have begun to expand Alternate Stars as well as The Ion Age ranges in 2023 starting here.  This is our final new release for the month and we hope you like it.

Until the end of January 2023 a pack of five EH03 Space Brains worth 10.00GBP / 12.00USD any scale miniatures are included automatically in every order sent out by us from here in Scotland.

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday 24 January 2023

Asgard FM Fantasy Range 1980's returns pt2 fifth round Monsters!

Earlier this month the first of two parts of the fifth round of restored classic 1980's miniatures by Asgard were put onto the website (details HERE) and now its time for the second part; Monsters! Sculpted by such legends as Jez Goodwin, Nick Bibby, Steve Trickett and Tony Ackland among others. These seven restored codes are all in metal and are from the FM Range. You can see the whole range nearing eighty returned HERE and we have a new page just for Nick Bibby's work at Asgard HERE by request. His work features heavily in this news. 
This time it is the turn of the monsters and creatures. From a mighty Griffon and Manticore to a Norse Giant and Trolls but not forget the chaotic Psionic Flayer. 

We hope you have enjoyed the fifth round. That is all for this month but next month we will have a rather special large miniature carefully returned and then in March after weeks of careful restoring work..oh my...such a huge shadow in the skies... 
SM14 Space Marines Set  - Save 5%
Space Marines and Adventurers. The classic 1980's range of 28mm Asgard science fiction began for us with the space marines. These superb miniatures are restored and great for near future and moon settings. Elven codes and a saver set with one of everything. 
LB05 Imperial Troopers - Value Pack
We will continue our restoring of classic ranges and models by Tabletop Miniatures and Asgard Miniatures and we hope you have been enjoying it. As an aside remolding is underway on the 15mm Laserburn Range on the 100 series Law Officers.  As singles and value packs with saving just as LB5 Imperial Troopers above.
Thanks for Reading, 

Monday 23 January 2023

HOT1 Dwarf King 15mm painted by I Maenas Hael

Back in April last year Alternative Armies released brand new Dwarf Handgunners and also remolded and unveiled new painted pictures of the Dwarfs in our HOT 15mm Fantasy Range. See these in full on our BLOG
(Click to enlarge)
We had many requests for these and to release the artillery in the range as single codes which we also did. It was great to see a wargamer on Instagram showing off his lovely work on the Dwarf King from HOT1 Dwarf Command. Permission given I present to you the work of Kieran otherwise titled i_maenas_hael you can check him out on the link. 
Lots of work on some thing so small. In the command pack is the King as well as a Banner Bearer, Spear Carrier and Guards. Nicely done! 
As stated check out the HOT 15mm Fantasy Range for our Dwarfs or the BLOG article for that news and pictures. 
 HOT103 Cockatrice
We are currently working on the next packs for the Savage Lizardmen to complete their army. This will include command and special unit. We are also working on an expansion to the favoured Ogres too. If you have any input on creatures, monsters, types or such you would like to see in the range then by all means email and let us know. The Cockatrice above was the result of such a poll on our Facebook Group
Thanks for your time. 

Sunday 22 January 2023

Kevin Dallimore paints Fionn Mac Cumhail of the Erin Range

It was my pleasure to see and then ask Kevin Dallimore if we at Alternative Armies could share a picture he posted up on Instagram. He kindly agreed and you can find and follow him on Instagram HERE. The ancient Fionn Mac Cumhail with his hounds Bran and Sceolang taken from our 28mm Erin Celtic Mythology range. 
(Click to enlarge)
Simply superb brushwork in his style and rather different to our own take on the miniatures. 

There are currently 91 miniatures in the Erin range including Fionn and his hounds (CM15 poses 1, 2 and 3) and this will expand in 2023 to well over one hundred from February onward. If you would like to see all the miniatures, the warbands and the ultimate one of everything with a built in 5% saving then check out the website
Who does not love Fomorians? Devils from the sea who love to raid the land for wine, women and gold. Pucci..we need more of them... 
Thanks for Reading, 

Thursday 19 January 2023

Lemurian 3rd group of packs released in lionfolk HOF 15mm army

The lost continent of Atlantis was no myth. It was no powerless small island no. It was a place of technology and arcane wonder too. Masters of war and of genetics they loosed creatures upon the ancient world of terror and evil. Creatures of legend. As a result of the pinnacle of their science the Atlantians opened a way between worlds and vanished from ours. Burning horror accompanied their translocation and a mere seven Atlantians survived. In the scant time they had left they created two forces of protection. Resonating crystals to store their minds and memories and the Lemurians to safeguard their culture and to wage war against any enemies of Atlantis. Possessed of keen minds and hunting instincts the gene bred lion folk carry crystals and make use of many weapons.

From the mind of wargamer and long time hobby creator Fred Richards comes the third stage of an entire new army within the HOF 15mm Science Fiction range.  A force which is equally at home in a fantasy setting and is far from the typical space opera or near future fare.  Across 2023 the Lemurians will expand. A race of lion folk will have an array of infantry as well as characters, leaders, small vehicles and more.  We follow the nine packs of infantry from last year totaling 28 poses with four more here. As normal you can have a pack or single poses from within it as with the rest the now more than 185 packs in the range.

As the army expands it will all be held in the range on the LEMURIAN tag for easy finding. Lemurians carry a variety of weapons.  They excel in the use of the glaive a war spear and they have 'firearms' which are formed of Atlantian Crystal which is also found in their floating war and guardian crystals.  It is the Guardians, Bikes and Support Weapon we see now.

The Lemurian Crystal Guardians are floating pieces of resonating crystal which contain the memories of a long gone Atlantian master.  Girded by a band of precious metal they are able to float and to send out beams of energy and psychic disturbance.  Each is as tall as a Human and while some are clean and appear new despite their great age others are known as 'ancients' and are covered in vines and plant growth from their outdoor stations. Guardians act alongside infantry or on their own to protect the Lemurians and their masters legacy. Codes are HOF181 Ancient Crystal Guardian and HOF182 Crystal Guardian in packs of three or single from the packs. 

Lemurian Crystal Bikes are used for scouting and recon missions against enemies.  Using a form of anti-gravity propulsion lost to the lionfolk these bikes are impossible to create anymore and as such are greatly valued.  Ridden by female warriors the bikes are capable of projecting an energy beam from their front.  Codes are HOF183 Lemurian Crystal Bikes and HOF183B Crystal Bikes Alone if you wish rider less vehicles.  In packs of two or single from the pack.

HOF184 Lemurian Crystal Cannon and Crew:  The cannon is made from the same resonating crystal that forms the Guardians and contains the memories of a Atlantian Master.  However unlike Guardians the cannon is carnivorous of crystal.  Powerful beams of energy require shards of common crystal to be fed into the cannon.  Two female lion folk act as crew and gunners.  Choose from the pack or the poses within it in any quantity.

All of the models shown in flight are pinned on bases from pack HOF88C Jet Bike Flying Stands.

We hope you enjoy our brand new race and the expansion of their army.   These are our last 15mm sci-fi range releases for the month.

Thanks for Reading,


Wednesday 18 January 2023

Painted Ready To Ship Stock updated January 2023

Alternative Armies sells many thousands of painted miniatures every year to wargamers in the form of singles, skirmishing bands, units and entire armies. If we have it then it is almost certain we will offer it painted if asked. Our stock of ready to ship painted which you can see on Pro-Painted Fantasy, Pro-Painted Valon, Pro-Painted Science Fiction and lastly Pro-Painted 15mm Scale page. As well as this stock we paint for customers to order. 
Our stock is now updated for January and there are over one hundred new additions. Have a browse. 
If you are keen on getting a quote for painting to contact us on with a list of proposed codes. Our prices are very reasonable and include the miniature, painting, the base, scenic basing effect and varnish (if you wish it) plus secure freight. It is first come first booked. We will let you know about current delivery dates that when you express interest. 
 PTD HOTT1003 Orc Warhorde
If you would like a painted HOTT 24AP Army or a Flintloque section or a Fantasy Skirmish Band, a Lance of Retained Knights for Patrol Angis or a whole Slaughterloo Division among many things then let us know.   
Thank for you for your attention. 

Tuesday 17 January 2023

54058 Albion Orc Duellists released for En Garde and Flintloque

Now released a new pack suitable for use in skirmish games alongside the Orcs of Albion or as duellists in the new En Garde game rules. This is our sole release for the World of Valon this month. 
54058 Albion Orc Duellists: Three 28mm metal Orcs armed with pistols and sword dressed in uniform or plain shirt. You can get them as a pack or as single poses within it on the page. Fit them into your forces. 
A unique game which is self contained and can be had in print and as a paid digital download En Garde! Create a character, join a school of sword play, set your arena and take up sword or pistol against an opponent. There is much more too. Look to the website to learn more. While En Garde is set during the end days of the Crystal Empire of the Elves you can use duellists of any 'human sized' fantasy range (heck even Humans if you wish) with the rules with no adaption. Perhaps a couple of Orcs are touring the city of Lyonesse and cause some offence? 
If you would like to get started in Flintloque the black powder fantasy skirmish game then seek out 5024 Escape the Dark Czar for a beginners set. Can General Saindoux and his fleeing survivors escape the Zombies of the Dark Czar? A complete way into the game which can be expanded from there. Lots of free resources to read as well on the page. 
If you missed recent Flintloque releases, news and free scenarios then seek out our BLOG (a refined search only for Flintloque articles) and see the new Dogmen of Ostaria as well as Elf Duellists, a Todoroni limited edition and a great free solo play scenario called 'Hobby Horse Fort'. 
Thank you for Reading, 

Monday 16 January 2023

Deals and Offers updated January 2023

Never let it be said that Alternative Armies does not add to the fun in gaming!  Updates on top of our monthly free code in all shipped orders (this month its five any scale Space Brains automatically) we have overhauled our deals page.

In Deals and Offers you can find 5% to 50% off regular prices on nearly 100 codes.  Most of these are armies, value packs and sets from across our ranges.  On top of these are specials which change regularly.  These cover 6mm, 15mm and 28mm scales as well as science fiction, fantasy and historicals too. Now newly included are HOF132 SFA Scout Team pack and singles of badass 15mm front runners, VNT34 Treasure Hunter a reclining any scale Dragon, 52514 Von Rotte Dwarf Line Infantry for Flintloque and Slaughterloo.  

Also the five Value Packs of 15mm themed miniatures these being, Corporate Ashigaru, Octopods, Rim Mercs, Cultists and Post Apoc Warriors all from the HOF 15mm Sci-fi Range.

If you like Sengoku 15mm Japanese Fantasy or Jez Goodwin's 28mm Barbarians or Furioso Renaissance Armies and much more have a gander.

All this month you automatically get five any scale EH03 Space Brains included in all packages shipped out.  Yes, free and worth 10.00GBP!

Thank you for your Time,


Thursday 12 January 2023

Asgard FM Fantasy Range 1980's returns fifth round pt1

There are now more than seventy returned classic miniatures of the 1980's by Asgard on the website. Monsters, Creatures and more by such legends as Jez Goodwin, Nick Bibby, Steve Trickett and Tony Ackland among others. 

Now in the first of two parts this month we give you six more restored miniatures for your tables.  All are from the FM 28mm Fantasy Range and cast in metal.

The second half of these restored releases will be announced later this month.  We are preparing them now!

MP10 Apothecary.  One of several returned civilian miniatures in the Guild Room scenic range.  Once more in metal it is a useful figure and fits right into any market place or trading station.  We have seen it used for fantasy, for historical and even sci-fi gaming.

We will continue our restoring of classic ranges and models by Tabletop Miniatures and Asgard Miniatures and we hope you have been enjoying it.  As an aside remolding is underway on the 15mm Laserburn Range on the 100 series Law Officers to keep them in the fight!

Thanks for Reading,


Monday 9 January 2023

Alternia Full Set with Saving and extra free miniature released

The new circle around the sun is now underway and we begin the new releases once more.  Returning to full working hours we are shipping five days a week and have for you a long promised culmination code.  The result of a year of 'free in orders' monthly miniatures.  The year of Alternia our mascot in all her guises.  See all this on the website or read on. The year of Altenia ends with this the full set.

Here they all are in one set of a dozen with a saving off single prices AND the original fantasy barbarian Alternia included for FREE making thirteen total 28mm scale female metal miniatures.  The code is ALTS00 Alternia Full Set.

Every order this month gets a free pack of five any scale Space Brains automatically included before being shipped out.  You need do nothing but order something which requires shipping and we will do the rest.  Any number of orders and you can also purchase EH03 Space Brains and you will still get the free pack.

See our BLOG for an article outlining what will be occurring this month of January.

Thank you for Reading.