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Wednesday 24 June 2020

Uniformation for 2nd Heavy Dragoons free article

This month we released the unit and pack codes for the 2nd Heavy Dragoons Dismounted which followed on the heels of the 2nd Heavy Dragoons on horses.  A full Orc force for Flintloque and Slaughterloo players.  You can see all of these miniatures HERE.  We now have a free article for you with game rules and more for this force.  You can find all of our free downloads on our website HERE or read on for more.

Uniformation 2nd Heavy Dragoons
A two page free article which gives game statistics and weapon profiles for Flintloque and Slaughterloo used to field the mounted and foot Orcs of the 2nd Dragoons.  It also has a special character officer and uniform details plus large pictures. Hosted on our website you can download it by CLICKING HERE.

We are continuing our ongoing Flintloque project which you can read about in full on our blog using the FLINTLOQUE tab on the blog to get all these posts in a line up as they proceed.  This is a mix of classic codes with new molds as well as new poses expanding those codes and new poses in new codes. Black Blob Crowfoot, Orc Exploring Officer, Major of the 45th Regiment, Dismounted Dragoons, Dark Elf Inquisitor and more such as 5005 Lady Wintermore above.

If you wish to get started in Flintloque then there is no better way than with the excellent 5024 Escape from the Dark Czar beginners set.  It contains core rules, scenarios as well as ten resin 28mm miniatures plus dice and bases.  Allowing you to learn the game and then expand in any direction.  There is also a lot of free downloads and such on our Begin in Flintloque page.

Thanks for Reading,


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