The Alternative Armies Blog

Welcome to the Alternative Armies blog. This blog tells you all about what we are up to and it is where we post our latest tabletop gaming news and articles.
We cover Flintloque and Slaughterloo, High Fantasy, Other Ranges as well as our 15mm scale fantasy, science fiction and historical ranges.
Our game systems and free content such as PDF downloads and reading articles. Enjoy and do dig back in time to see what was going on before now.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. We are always happy to help gamers with their hobby.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Now 60 Base choices with HOTT element MDF sizes added

A venerable wargames rules set which is going strong and excellent play of an afternoon is Hordes of the Things (HOTT) of which our own Hordes of Things (HOT) 15mm Fantasy Range was named and begun as in 1991.  We are pleased to announce MDF element bases at great prices added to our Bases for Miniatures Range in the sizes for HOTT.

We have added a further five MDF bases to our array which covers wood, resin, metal and plastic in a great many shapes and sizes.  Great for any game and scale of miniature or monster or vehicle. The new codes are:

MDF012 40mm by 15mm – Buy More Save More (10, 50, 100)

MDF013 40mm by 20mm – Buy More Save More (10, 50, 100)

MDF014 40mm by 30mm – Buy More Save More (10, 50, 100)

MDF015 40mm by 40mm – Buy More Save More (1,5,10)

MDF016 40mm by 60mm – Buy More Save More (1,5,10)

For your blades, warbands, behemoths, dragons, heroes and all other Hordes of the Things uses.

While our HOT 15mm Fantasy Range and the classic TTF Tabletop 15mm Fantasy Range have loads of miniatures suitable for this game we have a dedicated page of ready made HOTT 24AP Armies all of which come with element bases included for free.  Over twenty different armies.

Dwarfish Hosts (DH Range) 28mm Fantasy
Pt1 of the Overhaul is now complete!  

New molds, new pictures and single mini choice with value packs too.  Part one the earliest codes DH1,2,3 all sculpted by Dave Gallagher originally for Rieder Designs in the late 1980’s.  Young Dwarfs, Gnomes and Halflings plus the mighty Fnorr the Big ‘Un.  DH is a big range and we will report each part completed as it happens across this month with a new release at the end. 

Thanks for your Time.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Flower of Evil III free in orders and what is coming until March 10th

“It pulses beats a rhythm that makes it impossible to turn away.  As a seed it was given to me by a wrinkled hand and a whispered promise on foul breath. Now it has grown; the pot I planted it in burst apart as it spread.  To the meagre garden in arms I took it and in the shade it flourished and now...well now its pulse never leaves my soul. My neighbours I took to it and it fed.  My dog and my dear wife too as it grew.  Now it hungers and only I remain. It is growing dark and as I sink to my knees for its embrace I know that I have brought a greater good into this benighted world.” 

Until 10th March 2025 the brand new EH09 Flower of Evil III is added to every shipped out order placed with Alternative Armies automatically across the world.  You need do nothing but place an order which requires shipping and we will add it as it leaves us.  As many orders as you wish, plus you can order EH09 and one will still be put into your package free.  This is the third ‘flower’ in the series by popular request.  It works in any scale and for almost any setting.  See our Current and Formerly Free Codes Collected.

EH09 Flower of Evil III:  You can use it in 28mm in 15mm or 6mm as it sizes its threat to your other miniatures. Horror Games, Post Apocalyptic, Science Fiction, Plant Wars (they are Triffic!) and more. One piece resin miniature which is 28mm across and 10mm tall. Its mouth gapes and a tongue lolls. Other miniatures shown with it are for scale comparison only and not supplied. 

Above you can see how the Flower matches with the 28mm scale Erin Celtic Myth miniature and an Alternate Stars miniature too.  Then in 15mm scale a Star Merc from the HOF Range and a Wraith from the 15mm HOT Fantasy Range.  Lastly a stand of 6mm Infantry from the Bradley Miniatures Range.

Here are all three of our Flowers of Evil which are a fine addition to a garden of horrors. EH01 Flower of Evil and EH08 Flower of Evil II which are to be found in our Monsters and Creatures Range.

What is coming and happening before 10th March 2025

During the next month or so we have a lot happening.  Our Deals and Offers has been updated with some new treats added to the array there.  Among others are HOF27 Maginot Defence Tower and HOF156 Combat Saucer (Grey Aliens) plus 59520 Mortar in 28mm scale all at 25% off. These new will last until the end of this period.  

Our Bases for Miniatures Range will expand further with MDF sizes for HOTT 2nd Edition and its 15mm Armies.  We will have a new 28mm Ion Age release for the Grima Combat Robots following on the Portable Weapons and related.  

As Valentines Day comes we will have a weekend event to ‘Adore the Monster’ as another classic Asgard sculpt of the 1980’s by Nick Bibby is released with 50% off for four days.  

However the biggest news concerns the Dwarfish Hosts (DH) 28mm Fantasy Range.  Featuring sculptors Andy Cooper, Dave Gallagher, Mike Owen and others we are overhauling the whole range. Miniatures dating from 1987 to 2025. Brand new pictures will be joined by new molds and the expanded ability to purchase every miniature as a single and as packs with a saving baked in. Some 65 Dwarfs along with Halflings and Gnomes as well as Artillery and Monsters.  It shall culminate with a brand new release.   

As always each of these will get their own news and announcement.  Thanks for your time.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Norman Quilted Infantry 28mm scale plus Weapons restored

Sculpted alongside the venerable Fantasy Warlord range in 1990-1991 we are proud to announce the restoration of 28mm scale historical codes. Norman Infantry (open handed) as well as a Norman Officer and a sprue of spears, two different shields and a saver full unit too.  11th Century and the time of the Conquest.

The infantry are supplied without bases and without weapons or shields just as with Fantasy Warlord. We are not sure who sculpted these miniatures and would welcome input in that regard.  Restored by wargamer request and now in new molds as well.  Fresh and clean.

NO1 Norman Officer

NO2 Norman Infantry

NO3 Spear Sprue

NO4 Kite Shields

NO5 Round Shields

We have created a new page just as we did with our 28mm Jacobite Scottish Range.  We will not be expanding these classics we have simply restored them as we have with Laserburn for wargamers to enjoy on the table or to complete their collections. Each of the five infantry poses are slightly different and can be had as five with a saving or choose singles. The officer is on his own with sword and shield included and the Spears, Kite Shield and Round Shield are in packs of five.

There is a full unit code NOU01 Norman Quilted Infantry Unit (20) which has a baked in saving and also comes with spears and kite shields; that is an officer with nineteen mixed of five poses of infantry.

This is our last news before the end of the current free code period on the 6th February so this is your last chance to get VNT62 Three Wise Skeletons automatically in your package free with any shipped order. See them along with all the Former Free Collected Codes on our website.  These go great with our Undead Legions with the new Skeleton Crossbows and Warriors.

It is also your last chance on January Joy with 50% off three codes and dozens of other Deals and Offers.

What will the next new free code be...not long to wait...we have just planted a seed in your mind...

Thanks for your time.

Monday, 27 January 2025

GPSR Compliant Shipping resumes to EU/EEA and NI at Alternative Armies

On the 13th December of last year Alternative Armies ceased shipping and allowing orders to be placed from the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Northern Ireland (NI).  It has been a process and a curve but we are now fully General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) compliant! Our website now once more offers shipping to the whole world.  Europe is back for our miniatures!

If you have any questions on this please contact us on with an email headed ‘GPSR Information’ and we will be happy to assist you.  See our Information and Shipping page on the website for our rates and types of postage across the world.  Standard Shipping, Smaller Order, Tracked and Courier door to door.  Note that any discounts on orders are applied BEFORE (at cart page) shipping is applied on shipping page.  We do our best on shipping but sadly like everything else it never gets cheaper.

In essence the sweeping GPSR legislation from the EU requires any company selling into the EU from outside of it to have a ‘responsible person’ within the EU along with product safely notices and a few other things.  Alternative Armies does all of this.  Every package we now send into the EU / EEA and NI has this information and compliance notices contained with it along with contact details for our responsible person inside the EU.  If you wish to read about GPSR which replaced the GPSD then see Compliance Gate website.

We welcome back our long term and new customers from Europe with open arms.  We have missed you and best wishes from Scotland.  See the New Releases pages for what has recently been happening.

Thank you for your Time.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

VNT63 Skeleton Crossbows new 28mm releases

"In two serried ranks they stood opposed. Each surprised by the other. One of mortal Men in bright tunics and ruddy complexions and the other of men who had once been; now silent as soil.  With a raised arm officers ordered the preparation to fire.  Truly the mortal men worked their windlasses and readied their crossbows much faster than the bare bones animated by magicks whom they faced.  By the time the Undead had readied their own crossbows the triumphant Men pulled their iron triggers and a flight of bolts struck all along the skeletal soldiers.  But such is the way of things as their bolts almost all passed through the gaps in bones felling only a few animated dead.  In horror the Men hesitated, their hearts heavy, before training caught them and they began in desperation to reload their crossbows.  A skeletal arm fell and the bolts of the dead all hid themselves easily in warm flesh...”

Our last new release this month is one from our ‘asked for’ list.  That is it is by customer contacts as we create the codes most requested in each of our many ranges and scales.  We present VNT63 Skeleton Crossbows five poses added to our 28mm Undead Legions Range.  These are an excellent counter point to our original 1990’s VNT14 Skeleton Archers.  You can have them as singles or as a pack with a built in saving as all packs have.  Here they are preparing to put bolts through a pair of adventurers (FL22-07 Female Thief and FL22-05 Female Halfling) from our Adventurers and Wizards Range.

VNT63 Skeleton Crossbows five different metal miniatures which are supplied unpainted and without a base (shown on our 59021 Resin 25mm Square Bases).  Sculpted by Sam Croes.

Foes for the walking dead? Certainly. See FL30 Human Hirelings in our 28mm Knights and Footsoldiers Range.  Four well armed and armoured men to defend your settlement.

January Joy is on until 6th February. You can save 50% off three codes one of which is HOTR05 Trolls a 15mm Fantasy resin sprue for any system. See our Deals and Offer page.

Hear, See and Speak no Good...according to Necromancers.  Three new 28mm skeletons totally free and included automatically in every order shipped until 6th Feb.  See the ARTICLE for details of these fun bone guys which have many uses.

Thanks for your Time.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

FM27v2 Half Troll Chieftain painted by The Work of Shaitan

Alternative Armies has been working steadily to restored the mighty and well remembered early 1980’s figures of the legendary British company Asgard Miniatures.  While we still have a ways to go we have returned nearly two hundred poses by Nick Bibby, Jes Goodwin, Tony Ackland, Stan Pochron as well as John Blanche and Mark Weston among others.  These are split across several ranges on the website but today we are in the Fantasy Monsters (FM) Range with a treat!

One of the most eagerly anticipated restorations (aside from the NB2 Nick Bibby Dragon) was FM27v2 Half Troll Chieftain and while Studio Maxi tackled it beautifully on our website there was another take which garnered quite a bit of attention.  We are proud to present to you the paint work of Ned Gladdis otherwise known as TheWorkOfShaitan on Instagram. Our thanks to him for this.

The brushwork on this miniature is so fine it almost looks alive with armour which would ‘ping’ if you struck it with an arrow!

Ned is in progress of completing ranks of Broo for Runequest and his FM27v2 has taken its place as its Beastlord.  Superb!

Thanks for your Time.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Ogres from the Oldhammer Collection of OliHot27

We are delighted to be able to show you some painted miniatures from the extensive ‘oldhammer’ collection of OliHot27 over on Instagram. He is a keen collector of the restored Asgard Fantasy Monsters Range but this time it is his VNT Alternative Armies and Fantasy Warlord castings of Ogres that are the subject.  

The Alternative Armies VNT (Various Nasty Things) codes are VNT18 Orrid Ogres II and VNT19 Ogre Cavalry sculpted by Phil Lewis in 1991 while the Fantasy Warlord are 16100 Ogres from 1990.  All are metal except for the riding rhino which is now presented in resin. 

The painting style of OliHot27 suits these classic miniatures really well and his Instagram is well worth a dig through for a look.  We were most happy to be given permission by him to use his pictures on our website too.

Thanks for your Time.