SM3 Space Marine in full armour |
SM3A Space Marine in full armour jump jets |
Last year Alternative Armies brought some of the 25mm/28mm Asgard Space Marine range back to white metal life through our website. Its not the whole range of what Tabletop Miniatures has to offer or all the Space Marines but now we have great pictures of most of these miniatures and they show these classics off in awesome fashion. Great for anyone into powered armour and sci-fi.
You can find these miniatures on the
Alternative Armies website. There are ten codes with images covering Space Marines in light armour, in full armour, jump jets, officers, space troopers, battle droid and more. The examples on our website are painted by our lead designer Sam Croes and they are some of his favourite figures.
SM9 Space Trooper Captain |
Pricing on these miniatures is very reasonable at 1.75GBP for a typical sized Space Marine (such as SM8 Space Trooper Captain) and 2.50GBP for a Space Marine in full armour with the SM9 Battle Droid being 4.00GBP.
SM9 Battledroid (35m tall) |
The history behind this range of miniatures is one of the best in the tale of British Wargaming. You can see from Wikipedia
here the story of the term 'Space Marine' and Asgard's use of it in 1980-82 providing inspiration for a great many followers in the industry. Styled after such classics as the 1968 movie
2001 A Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick they are quite unlike anything made now. In 1979 Richard Halliwell and Rick Priestly came up with
Combat 3000, a wargame that I believe brought about the SM range of Space Marines. Combat 3000 is currently out of print but if anyone reading this has a copy of it and or its sequal Combat 3001 contact me I would like to get them.

We aim to expand the range re-released across this year but for now I give you the Asgard Space Marines.