“That crafty beer loving Baron von Rotte saw his chance to gain some glory and many kegs too when the Bier War began in earnest. With the attention of the Legions de Nain taken up in Worstweiser and Krickle where new breweries being built the battalions of the Baron made a rapid march on the town of Fassbier home of the fabled brewery of the same name. If Fassbier fell then the city of Madabier, already reeling from the attacks on the Krolsberg Brewery (probably the finest in the world) could go into open revolt and be ripened wheat for the conquest. It would fall to the numerically greater but far less experienced 1st Legion de Nain to stop him with their skirmishers taking the first blow.” Harold Brekmeister the learned Dwarf (historian and scholar at Monich University)

The Legion de Nain grows with the third brand new full unit release in the Beir War setting; this time the Legion de Nain Skirmishers or Light Company! Every one of these Dwarves is a character in its own right full of personality. If missed what has already occurred, new Legion de Nain Line, the new Legion de Nain Grenadiers, re-mastered and expanded original Legion codes plus new Pummilig Pig and Riding Boar you can read about these on our blog on the Beir Wars TAB. Go HERE for the Confederation of Finklestein on the website where all these miniatures reside.

52525 Legion de Nain Skirmishers: This is the light company of a battalion given the role of ranging ahead of the line and grenadiers. Armed with Dwarf Musket MkII and dressed as other soldiers in the Legions with long coat, boots and the Raupenhelm (caterpillar helmet). Officer in duelling pose with pistol (A), musician with horn and musket (B), sergeant swinging axe (C), standard bearer with sword sword (D). Four different poses of light company trooper these being running with musket forward (E), kneeling firing musket (F), standing loading musket (G) and sprinting flat out leg in the air (H). All have extra equipment such as packs on their backs and cartridge boxes about their persons. Ideal to mix in with your line infantry or for skirmishing. A unit of twelve (with saving built in) or single miniature booster.

Order the single and you will get one random trooper, order more singles and we will give you different troopers. If you want a command pose single that is explained the page. Go HERE for 52525 and scroll through the pictures on its page as after the main images there is a front and rear of every pose so that you can see them in great detail. Some of the more dynamic Dwarves in the range!
As we progress in this year more releases will happen monthly as we expand the Legion de Nain and work towards it as a full force of all arms (the biggest ever expansion to the miniature range for a single army) we will also be slowly putting together a Flintloque campaign book on the Monich Bier War too. Resident Valonian artist Edward Jackson has been creating new drawings for this project.
There are now thirty eight poses in the Legion. Above is General Saindoux an Elf character from 5024 Escape the Dark Czar next to Dwarves for scale.
If you would like to get into Flintloque in the lands of the Dwarfs then look no further than 5028 Beir and Bones game book. On its own with full rules in print or as a digital download or as a shilling starter pack with miniatures and scenarios. Go HERE.
If you have any questions please contact us on sales@alternative-armies.com and ask.
This is our only release for the World of Valon this month we hope you like it but look out later this week for a free solo play scenario featuring these new Dwarves set during the Bier War. Go to our Free Downloads page of the website in case you missed 'Run while the Pub is Closed' when it came out.