The Alternative Armies Blog

Welcome to the Alternative Armies blog. This blog tells you all about what we are up to and it is where we post our latest tabletop gaming news and articles.
We cover Flintloque and Slaughterloo, High Fantasy, Other Ranges as well as our 15mm scale fantasy, science fiction and historical ranges.
Our game systems and free content such as PDF downloads and reading articles. Enjoy and do dig back in time to see what was going on before now.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. We are always happy to help gamers with their hobby.

Monday 27 June 2022

Deals and Special Offers are changing 1st July

As we approach the end of June a last message for the month from Alternative Armies.  On our Deals and Special Offers page we have collected all of the bundles, singles, game packs and armies which give a saving off regular prices.  These are real savings which require no discount code (if you have a code it will work at checkout on top of shown discount on screen) from 5% to 50%.  We rotate top deals on the page and the next rotation is happening 1st July as the month changes and the next Alternia takes her free place.

If you are into Furioso 15mm Renaissance and fancy an army pack with free bases or you like Japanese Fantasy with Sengoku Value Packs, perhaps a set of classic 28mm Barbarians with free Druidess or even a multitude of 28mm fantasy miniatures you will find over eighty choices from across our ranges.  

The packs which will be leaving the deals and offers page include the HOT94 Jabberwock which works in 15mm and 28mm scale and here you can see it painted superbly by the talented Studio Maxi (see his brush work on Instagram) and P11 Old English Dragon.  These two (plus the Ghoul Dragon, Cluckkatrix and Cockatrice) are 20% off regular price and will be leaving the offers page during the rotation.  Have a browse and perhaps something will catch your gaming eye.  

If you missed something we released this month then you can see it all on the New Releases page.  As well as ALT006 Alternia of the Ion Age being free in all June packages we also released the long awaited two Divisional Army Packs for the Dwarfs of the Legion de Nain.  More Kitton with Ashigaru Command and of course new 28mm Ion Age with Female Retained KnightsRufus and the Noble of Prydia got remastered and Laserburn had new pictures of the game pack and some value packs.

As always our small team here in Scotland thanks you for your custom and support.  See you in July!


Thursday 23 June 2022

IB59 Female Retained Knights released 28mm Ion Age

Retained Knights are the finest warriors which the Prydian Precinct can call upon. In Alwite powered armour these men and women can be born to the role or rise from the ranks of the Muster.  The daughters of men are sought after for the skills they bring.  For Prydia!

The last release for June 2022 is here.  IB59 Female Retained Knights a new pack of four 28mm scale miniatures. Each miniature is made up of a body with head along with a pair of separate arms and a separate back pack too.  The arms are interchangeable meaning you can create sixteen combinations (or double this if you mix left and right arm) with a pack of four.  Arms as shown are supplied with the single miniatures when ordered. You have the option of purchasing a pack or three packs with a saving.  You can also purchase each pose from this code as a single miniature for maximum flexibility.  When selecting single poses they are numbered.

Alongside these brand new miniatures we have re-mastered a favourite figure IA103 Noble of Prydia an imposingly power armoured fellow to lead your troops.  See him here alongside the female Retained and a Shia Khan Pioneer for scale.

We invite you to have a browse over the more than two hundred miniatures in The Ion Age 28mm Range which include Retained Knights, Muster, Planetary Militia, Nobles and Barons as well as Khanate Legionaries, Pioneers, Nox, Malig space goblins and Psycoborg war machines.  Great for any game system.

It came to our attention that with the restoration of the classic Asgard and Tabletop science fiction miniatures of the early 1980's Alternative Armies now has four decades of miniatures dedicated to future war.  As well as The Ion Age there is our Alternate Stars range.  See the '28mm Science Fiction' tab on the left hand menu of the website for it to drop down to seven range choices.  Huzzah!

ALT006 Alternia of The Ion Age is our mascot dressed and set in our space opera universe.  Until 1st July she is put free and automatically into every package shipped out from Scotland across the world.  Go HERE for more information.

Thanks for Reading,


Wednesday 22 June 2022

The Ion Age new painted pictures the Betrayers!

The new Female Retained Knights happen upon the morrow but before our last release of this month and following up on yesterday we present more from the collection of Sam Croes.  The Betrayers!  Hives, Cyberpunk and sneering attitude.  Over two hundred miniatures in 28mm scale of space opera wargaming.  Enjoy!

Betrayers are Humans of Prydian space that have for many reasons decided not to stand united with their fellows. Many choose the service of the Shia Khan Empire believing that Humanity will lose the war while some become space pirates and mercenaries.  In places of crime and extreme danger they thrive. They are rough and ready, they are despised, they are Betrayers! 

Click to enlarge - IB34 Betrayer Humans

Click to enlarge - IB40 Betrayer Urbanites

Click to enlarge - IB41 Betrayer Alphas

Click to enlarge - IB45 Betrayer Saboteurs

During June 2022 every order shipped out from here in Scotland automatically gets ALT006 Alternia of The Ion Age (worth 3.00GBP) free included in the package.  See her below and go HERE for more information.

Thank you for time and if you are keen on finding out more about these miniatures in their own game systems rather than for use in any set of rules then have a look at MOTH for skirmishing and Firefight 2.0 for intense urban combat.  Keep in mind every miniature in the range can be had as a single within its pack on its page.


Tuesday 21 June 2022

The Ion Age new painted pictures Muster Alouten and Planetary Militia

Leading up to the new 28mm Female Retained Knights as the last release for June 2022 we are delighted to update some of the pictures of the over two hundred miniatures in the 28mm range.  In the first of two such articles we present, from the collection of Sam Croes, five packs worth of painted images.  Enjoy!

Space Opera wargaming in The Ion Age.  Muster are the well trained troops of the Prydian Precinct who are present in their multitude millions and transported from world to world.  The Alouten of the Retained Knights who are the lowest of their ranks and new to the knightly orders.  Planetary Militia defend their own worlds and number in the billions with some coming from colder worlds than others.

Click to enlarge - IB24 Muster Battle Flag

Click to enlarge - IB26 Alouten Retained

Click to enlarge - IB29 Planetary Militia

During June 2022 every order shipped out from here in Scotland automatically gets ALT006 Alternia of The Ion Age (worth 3.00GBP) free included in the package.  See her below and go HERE.

Thank you for time and if you are keen on finding out more about these miniatures in their own game systems rather than for use in any set of rules then have a look at MOTH for skirmishing and Firefight 2.0 for intense urban combat.  Keep in mind every miniature in the range can be had as a single within its pack on its page.


Thursday 16 June 2022

UM016 USEME 6mm Science Fiction example of play by Vic Dobson

The new USEME rules gave us all 6mm science fiction for fast play.  Written by Vic Dobson you can see it HERE and on its page there is a link to three free scenarios on the book page (print and digital download) which you can click on too.  By request and presented here a long play through written by the author to run you through the rules.  Force Rosters are images; click to enlarge.  Lets call in on 'Kirk and Kor' . Enjoy!  GBS

Best friends Kirk and Kor have decided to play a game of USE ME 6mm using their available collection of 6mm miniatures. They decide to play a basic1,500 Points 'Meeting Engagement' type scenario & both then design their respective forces. Kirk designs a force based around a 12 vehicle Paladin Heavy Tank company and a Grenadier Infantry Company embarked on 10 Caisse APC & supported by a Strike/Reconnaissance Company of 5 Grav Speeders and 8 Bikes. A single use of Long Range Artillery off table support rounds out Kirks force – this takes Kirk 4 points over their agreed limit, but Kor says that's fine, it's only 4 points! Kirks Senior Command Unit (SCU) is another Paladin Heavy Tank, and all of Kirks units have Elans of between 3 and 6. 

Meanwhile, Kor designs a force based around two platoons of 3 heavily armoured Tyros Laser Tank Destroyers, each one supported by 2 squads of Phalanx Support Weapon Infantry. Supporting his Tyros Laser Tank Destroyers also has 2 battery's of 4 Devil Frog Light Artillery Guns, towed by 4 Gecko Gun Tractors, with each gun battery led by a single Hunter Medium Tank. Kor then decides he wants a lot of infantry, so he designs a Hoplite Militia Company of 21 squads of basic infantry to bulk out his force. Seeing his points total is somewhat lower than their agreed 1500 limit, Kor opts to take 2 uses of the Long Range Artillery off table support option AND a single use of the Drop troops Insertion off table support. Kors SCU is a single Kourian Super Heavy Tank, and all of Kors units have Elans of between 1 and 4. 

With both forces now designed, Kirk and Kor set-up their playing area – they opt to play on a 90cm x 90cm square area. Having set-up the playing area and placed their available scenery, Kirk and Kor roll 1D6 each to determine who sets up first – Kirk rolls highest, so must set-up first but gets to choose which side of the table he will start on, Kirk getting the opposite edge by default. Having set-up their forces, it's time to play!

1. Initiative (USE ME 6mm Rules, p.5) 

When rolling initiative, each player in the game rolls 1D6 and adds the Elan of his forces Senior Command Unit. This total is then reduced by -1 for each lower ranked Command Unit that the players force has lost, to give a final total. The highest total wins the initiative, with any ties being re-rolled until a winner is established. 

Example 1: It's the Initiative Phase of Turn 1 in Kirk and Kors game. Kirk rolls 1D6, getting a 4, and then adds 5 for the Elan of his SCU, for a total of 9. Kor rolls 1D6, getting a 2, and adds his SCU's Elan of 4, for a total of 6. As neither player has suffered any losses yet, neither player suffers from any modifiers to their total. Kirks total of 9 is the highest, so Kirk wins the Initiative and will activate first during each step of the 'In Play Phase'. 

Example 2: It's the Initiative Phase of Turn 4 in Kirk and Kors game - Kirk and Kor have been playing for 3 turns now, and both sides have suffered some casualties. Kirk rolls 1D6, getting a 3, and adds the Elan 5 of his SCU to the roll, for a total of 8. Kor rolls 1D6 and also gets a 3, and adds his SCU's Elan of 4, for a total of 7. But … Kirk has had 3 of his lower ranked Command Units (the command unit of Paladin tank platoon 1, Grenadier Infantry Platoon 3, and the Company Commander of his Strike/Reconnaissance Company) destroyed, so his total of 8 is modified down by -3 to 5. Kor has also lost a Command Unit (1 of his Tyros Tank Destroyer command units) and so his total of 7 is modified down by -1 to 6. Kors total of 6 is still the highest, so Kor wins the Initiative and will activate first during each step of the 'In Play Phase'. 

Example 3: It's the Initiative Phase of Turn 6 in Kirk and Kors game - Kirk and Kor have been playing for 5 turns now, and Kor has suffered a disaster – his Kourian Super Heavy Tank SCU has been destroyed. Kirk rolls 1D6, getting a 2, and adds the Elan 5 of his SCU to the roll, for a total of 7. Kor rolls 1D6 and gets a 5 … but with his SCU destroyed he can no longer add its Elan to his roll, so his total is just 5. Kirk has had 3 of his lower ranked Command Units (the command unit of Paladin tank platoon 1, Grenadier Infantry Platoon 3, and the Company Commander of his Strike/Reconnaissance Company) destroyed, so his total of 7 is modified down by -3 to 4. Kor has lost another Command Unit (1 of his Hoplite Militia Infantry Command Squads) and so his total of 5 is modified down by -2 to 3. Kirks total of 4 is the highest, so Kirk wins the Initiative and will activate first during each step of the 'In Play Phase'. 

As a force progressively loses it various Command Units it's ability to co-ordinate its actions and tactics is reduced, represented here by the reduction in the forces initiative total during the Initiative Phase. 

Note that the loss of -1 per Command Unit lost does NOT apply to the SCU, as the -1 is 'per lower ranked command unit' and the force SCU is the highest ranked Command Unit in the force. 

2. In Play Phase (USE ME 6mm Rules, p.7)

ELAN Elan and the 'In Play Phase': Elan represents the skills and training available to each unit, and ranges from between 1 and 6. Elan determines in which order units can be activated in 'the 'In Play Phase', with higher Elans getting to act before units with lower Elan. In USE ME 6mm a units Elan is not constant – as Command Units further up the chain of command are destroyed all units lower down the chain of command in the unit suffer a cumulative -1 to teach units Elan – heavy enough losses in a force can reduce a units Elan right down to 1. The loss of a forces Senior Command Unit is even worse – when a forces SCU is destroyed, ALL remaining units in the force (not just individual units like platoons) suffer an additional -2 to their Elan. 

Example 1: During Turn 2, Kirks Paladin Heavy Tank Platoon #1 has its Platoon Command Unit (a Paladin Heavy Tank) knocked out by enemy fire. From this point onwards ALL the remaining Paladin tanks in Platoon #1 will suffer a -1 reduction to their Elan (on the force roster, cross out their original Elan of 5 and replace it with a 4). From now on ALL the Paladin tanks of Platoon #1 have an Elan of 4. 

Example 2: Later in the game, Kirks Paladin Heavy Tank Company has its Company Command Unit (a Paladin Heavy Tank) knocked out by artillery fire. From this point onwards ALL the Paladin tanks in Kirks Paladin Heavy Tank Company – i.e. every single tank left in the tank company – will suffer a -1 reduction to their Elan (on the force roster, cross out their original Elans and replace it with the next lower Elan). This also applies to the remaining tanks in Platoon #1, who currently have an Elan 4 due to their losing their Platoon Command Unit earlier – the loss of their Company Command Unit reduces their Elan again, this time to 3. 

Example 3: Turn 7 sees Kirks forces suffer further losses to Kors artillery fire. One of the casualties is his Senior Command Unit, another Paladin Heavy Tank. The loss of his SCU reduces the Elan of every single unit remaining in his force by -2. This has the effect of reducing the Elan of the tanks in Platoon #1, who currently have an Elan 3, to an Elan of 1. Reductions in Elan represent the increasing difficulties of command and control during a battle – as the chaos and confusion increase alongside a forces casualties, losses within a forces chain of command will begin to reduce the overall efficiency of the force. Destroy enough of an enemy forces chain of command and you can render the force largely ineffective.


1. Fast Move (USE ME 6mm p.8): The 'Fast Move' action allows a unit to move quickly, but at the expense of the opportunity to fire at enemy units. When using a Fast Move, the units speed in CM is increased by 50%, so when a unit with a speed of 12cm is given a 'Fast Move' action its speed is increased by 50% (so 6cm) to 18cm. This total is then modified by both terrain and turning. Excellent terrain (like roads) serves to increase unit speeds - moving 4cm of distance will require 2cm of speed and so on. A unit with 12cm speed could move 24cm in excellent terrain. Difficult terrain, like wooded areas, soft ground, snow, rubble or hills etc, will reduce a units movement - moving 4cm of distance will require 8cm of speed and so on. A unit with 12cm speed could only move 6cm in difficult terrain. Impassable terrain is just that – units cannot enter it. 

Note that some Terrain might be rated as Impassable to some types of unit but not others (a deep swamp might be Impassable to ground vehicle units, but just Difficult terrain to Infantry units, or even excellent terrain to gravity repulsar units (who can simply fly over it). 

Example: Kirks Paladin Heavy Tanks have a speed of 12cm. Fearing that his Paladin tanks cannons are out-ranged by Kors Kourian Super Heavy Tank and its bigger cannon, Kirk decides to give his Paladins 'Fast Move' actions when he activates them during the 'In Play Phase'. This increases their speed to 18cm. Moving across the clear terrain each of the Paladin Heavy Tanks is able to move 18cm – those tanks that have to turn to avoid impassable terrain have their total speed of 18cm reduced by -2cm per one quarter (90º) turn they make. One tank turns towards the road, reducing its speed by -2cm to 16cm, then moves 12cm onto the road, then turns back again (at a cost of -1cm – movement on roads, including turns, costs half as much) and then moves 6cm straight forwards along the road. Another tank turns toward a nearby wooded area, costing -2cm for the turn, then moves 10cm forwards to the edge of the wooded area, then moves 3cm into the wooded area (remaining speed 6cm, reduced by the difficult terrain to 3cm). 

2. Move & Ranged Fire (USE ME 6mm p.8): The 'Move & Ranged Fire' action allows a unit to move & conduct ranged fire against enemy units. The actual ranged attack can be conducted at ANY point in the activated units movement – at the start before moving, in the middle, or at the end after all movement is finished. A units movement is a maximum of its Speed in CM, which is then modified by both terrain and turning. Excellent terrain (like roads) serves to increase a units speed - moving 4cm of distance will require 2cm of speed and so on. A unit with 12cm speed could move 24cm in excellent terrain. Difficult terrain, like wooded areas, soft ground, snow, rubble or hills etc, will reduce a units movement - moving 4cm of distance will require 8cm of speed and so on. A unit with 12cm speed could only move 6cm in difficult terrain. Impassable terrain is just that – units cannot enter it. Note that some Terrain might be rated as Impassable to some types of unit but not others (a deep swamp might be Impassable to ground vehicle units, but just Difficult terrain to Infantry units or even excellent terrain to gravity repulsar units (who can simply fly over it). Ranged Fire can be conducted using any or all of a units weapons, and these may be fired at any combination of enemy units as long as they are in range, but each weapon can only be fired once. All direct fire weapons require a direct Line of Sight, and although friendly infantry do not block line of sight, all vehicles and terrain features will. Indirect fire weapons do NOT require a direct line of sight in order to attack. 

Example 1: Kors Kourian Super Heavy Tank (and Senior Command Unit) can see several of Kirks Paladin Heavy Tanks advancing towards its position at high speed (they are using 'Fast Move' actions in order to get close quickly). Kor decides to use a 'Move & Ranged Fire' action with his Kourian. Selecting the nearest of Kirk Paladin tanks, Kor measures the range at 71cm, easily within the maximum range of the Kourians Super Heavy Vehicle cannon (optimum range 40cm, maximum range 80cm). Kors rolls 1D6 and rolls a 5 for the Kourians cannon shot, and then consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Heavy Vehicle: +1 
Range is beyond Optimum Range: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +0, meaning that the rolls total is 5. Kor refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 5+ on the table results in the 'Knocked Out!' result, and Kirks Paladin Heavy Tank is destroyed by the hit – Kirk removes the miniature from the playing area. Having knocked out the Paladin Kor turns the Kourian slightly (but still costing -2cm) and then moves it 6cm directly towards some nearby buildings in an attempt to block Line of Sight to Kirks other Paladin tanks. 

Example 2: Stung by the Kourians good shooting, Kirk activates one of his Elan 4 Paladins and gives it a 'Move & Ranged Fire' action. Having seen Kor measure the range for his Kourian, Kirk knows the range is around 71cm, so he opts to move the Paladin directly forwards 12cm, reducing the range to 59cm, allowing the Paladins Heavy Vehicle cannon to reach the Kourian. He rolls 1D6, also getting a 5 and consults consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Super Heavy Vehicle: +0 
Range is beyond Optimum Range: -1 
Target Unit is Armoured: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is -2, meaning that the rolls total is reduced to 3. Kirk refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 3-4 on the table results in the 'Disabled' result, and Kors Kourian Super Heavy Tank is temporarily disabled by the hit – Kor places a 'Disabled |Unit' token next to the Kourian. 

Example 3: Now Kirks second Paladin moves forwards 12cm, barely managing to reach just under 60cm – but still able to fire at the now disabled Kourian. Again Kirk rolls 1D6, and this time gets a 3. Consulting consults the Ranged Fire Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) Kirk sees the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Super Heavy Vehicle: +0 
Range is beyond Optimum Range: -1 
Target Unit is Armoured: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is again -2, meaning that the rolls total is reduced to 1. Kirk refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 0-2 on the table results in the 'Ricochet!' result, and the shot from the Paladins cannon bounces clean off the Kourians thick armour … 

Example 4: Elsewhere on the field of battle, a squad of Kors Hoplite Militia is coming under fire from a squad of Kirks Grenadier infantry that is advancing on their position. Kirks troops move forwards their maximum speed of 8cm to a range of just 7cm & then open fire with their small arms – Kirk rolls 1D6, and this time gets a 4. Consulting consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) Kirk sees the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firing Unit type is Elan Rating 6: +1 
Firers weapons is Infantry Weapons vs Infantry/Light Vehicles: +0 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +1, meaning that the rolls total is increased by 1. Kirk refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Infantry Squad Units' column – a total of 5+ on the table results in the 'Killed!' result, and the hail of fire from the Grenadiers kills, wounds or scatters the troops of the Hoplite squad - Kor removes the miniature from the playing area. 

Example 5: Nearby, one of Kirks Caisse APC has just disembarked its Grenadier Infantry when one of Kors Hunter Medium Tanks 'Fast Moves' into some nearby woods to join another squad of Kors Hoplite Militia already in there. Hoping to protect the Grenadier Infantry, Kirk gives the Caisse APC a 'Move & Ranged Fire' action. First he fires the Caisse APC's Light Vehicle Cannon at Kors Hunter tank. Measuring the range he finds its 9cm, just under half optimum range, and rolls 1D6, getting a 3. Consulting consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) Kirk sees the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Heavy Vehicle: +1 
Range is HALF optimum or less: +1 
Target is in 'Difficult' terrain: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +1, meaning that the rolls total is increased by 1 to 4. Kirk refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 3-4 on the table results in the 'Disabled' result, and so Kors Hunter Medium Tank is temporarily disabled by the hit – Kor places a 'Disabled Unit' token next to the Hunter. Kirk then fires the Caisse APC's Vehicle Automatic Weapon at the Hoplite Militia Squad. Measuring the range he finds its 10cm, so just over half optimum range. Kirk rolls 1D6 and gets a 4. Consulting consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) Kirk sees the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Infantry/Light Vehicle: +2 
Target is in 'Difficult' terrain: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +1, meaning that the rolls total is increased by 1. Kirk refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Infantry Squad Units' column – a total of 5+ on the table results in the squad being 'Killed!', and the hail of fire from the Caisse APC's VAW kills, wounds or scatters the troops of the Hoplite squad - Kor removes the miniature from the playing area. 

Example 6: As the battle rages Kor spots a chance to attack Kirks forces with one of his battery's of Devil Frog Light Artillery Guns. Having been dropped off by their Gecko Gun Tractors earlier in the battle, the Devil Frogs are now 'Dug In' and awaiting orders to fire. When its time for Elan 2's to activate, Kor selects the first Devil Frog to fire and, nominating Kirks Paladin Command Tank from Platoon 1, Kor measures the range at 34cm – but as the gun will be firing over a hill, it is indirect fire. Referring to the Indirect Fire rules (USE ME 6mm p.10) Kor places a 1cm radius explosion marker on top of the target Paladin tank and rolls 1D6 – with a roll of 2 the shots deviates, so Kor rolls another 1D6, getting a 5 – the shot deviates left 2D6cm. Kor rolls an 8, so the shot comes down 8cm away from the Paladin & hits nothing but dirt … Continuing with his Elan 2 activations, Kor selects another Devil Frog and repeats the attempt – he places the explosion marker on top of the target again and rolls 1D6. This time he rolls a 5 – the shot lands on target! So Kor rolls 1D6 and rolls a 4 for the Devil Frog, and then he consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Heavy Vehicle: +1 
Range is beyond optimum range: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +0, meaning that the rolls total is unchanged. Kor refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 3-4 on the table results in the 'Disabled' result, and so Kirks Paladin Heavy Tank is temporarily disabled by the hit – Kirk places a 'Disabled Unit' token next to his Paladin. Kor then continues with his Elan 2 activations. He selects the third Devil Frog in the battery and, using indirect fire, places the template on the now disabled Paladin and rolls 1D6. Another roll of 5+ sees the third shot land on the target Paladin, but when Kor rolls a 2 for the Devil Frog, and consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – he sees the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Heavy Vehicle: +1 
Range is beyond optimum range: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +0, meaning that the rolls total is unchanged. Kor refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 0-2 on the table results in the 'results in the 'Ricochet!' result, and so the Devil Frogs shot bounces clean off the Paladins thick armour without effect. Kors final Elan 2 activation is the last Devil Frog gun. Again using indirect fire, Kor places the template on the now disabled Paladin and rolls 1D6. Another roll of 5+ sees the fourth shot land on the target Paladin, and Kor then rolls a 3 for the Devil Frog and consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Heavy Vehicle: +1 
Range is beyond optimum range: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +0, meaning that the rolls total is unchanged. Kor refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 3-4 on the table results in the 'Disabled' result. But ... the Paladin is already disabled, and should any unit suffer a second 'Suppressed/Disabled' result the two are combined, resulting in the Paladin being 'Knocked Out' instead. Ranged Fire is most effective when directed at targets in excellent terrain – so stay off the roads unless you need to go somewhere in a real hurry! Volume of fire – firing at the same target repeatedly, as in Example 6 above – can turn even lighter weapons into effective ones by scoring multiple hits and combining combat results until the target is killed/knocked out. Be aware that the very largest & most heavily armoured vehicles, especially once they are dug in, are very hard to damage, often requiring Infantry assaults in melee to effectively combat them. 

3. Concentrated Fire (USE ME 6mm p.10): The 'Concentrated Fire' action allows a unit to forego any movement in order to direct more accurate, concentrated fire at a target. Using concentrated fire is useful for dug in targets that would otherwise be harder to engage effectively, whilst units that are dug-in or stationary can take advantage of the Concentrated Fire action to defeat an enemy trying to get past them. 

Example: As the battle rages, both Kirks Gryphon Grav Speeders & Kors Phalanx Infantry Squads are Elan 3, and with Kirk having won the initiative Kor waits as Kirks speeders race past his Phalanx Infantry Squads on the edge of a wooded area. As soon as its Kors turn to activate Elan 3 units he selects one of his Phalanx Infantry Squads and gives it a 'Concentrated Fire' action – selecting the nearest of Kirks speeders – at a range of 12cm – he rolls 1D6, getting a 4 – Kor then consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is Infantry weapon vs Infantry/Light Vehicle: +0 
Target is Flyer/Gravity Repulsar Drive type: +1 
Firer is using 'Concentrated Fire' action: +1 
Target Unit is Armoured: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is +1, meaning that the rolls total is 5. Kor refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 5+ on the table results in the 'Knocked Out!' result, and Kirks Gryphon Grav Speeder is destroyed by the hit – Kirk removes the miniature from the playing area. 

Concentrated Fire is a very useful means of attacking the enemy, but at the price of mobility & reaction. If the enemy has a substantially faster units than your own, the enemy units may well be able to escape or get out of the weapons maximum range before you can react or counter them – if their mission is to raid something your force is meant to protect, concentrated fire can soon become an issue.

4. Move & Melee Combat (USE ME 6mm p.12): The 'Move & Melee Combat' action allows a unit to move into contact with an enemy unit and attack it in melee. Melee combat is brutal and quickly conclusive – the winner survives, whilst the loser is killed/knocked out. Units must have sufficient movement to actually reach physical contact, and terrain effects this movement as normal – which is why placing units in Difficult terrain can be advantageous. Melee combat is one way of rooting out a dugin enemy vehicle unit that is otherwise proving difficult to deal with in ranged combat. 

Example: Kors Tyros Laser Tank Destroyers, having dug-in on the edge of a wooded area, have been taking a heavy toll of Kirks Caisse APC and Paladin Heavy Tanks with their cannons. But, with Kirks Elan 6 Grenadier Infantry now close enough, when its his turn to activate his Elan 6 units, he gives the first Grenadier squad a 'Move & Melee Combat' action – the nearest of Kors Tyros is dug-in 7cm away, so the Grenadier squad is able to reach the Tyros and carry out a melee attack. Kirk rolls 1D6 for his Grenadier squad, rolling a 5, and Kor rolls 1D6 for his Tyros, rolling a 3. Both Kirk & Kor then refer to the Melee Combat Table (USE ME 6mm, p13) and apply all the relevant modifiers to their rolls. 

Kirk Kor Character type is Elan 6: +1 
Character is Armoured: +1 
Character is Infantry/Light Vehicle: +0 
Character type is Heavy Vehicle: +1 
Character is Dug-In: +1 

Kirks total modifier is +1, whilst Kors is +3. After adding their modifiers to their rolls, Kirks final total is 6, as is Kors, resulting in a tie and an immediate re-roll of the combat. This time Kirk rolls a 6 and Kor a 2, and as the same modifiers apply, Kirks final total is 7, and Kors final is 5 … and so Kors Tyros is 'Knocked Out!' Melee combat is brutal, quick and decisive! 5. Dig-In: (USE ME 6mm p.13): 

The 'Dig-In' action is used to provide a better defensive position. Although it is especially useful for lighter and less heavily armoured units, it can only be used as long as the unit remains in place unmoving. However, when a large and heavily armoured unit digs itself in, it can require a large expenditure of resources to defeat! Example: Having barely survived a hit from a second hit by a Paladin Heavy Tank Kors Kourian Super Heavy Tank, having recovered from being disabled, resumes moving until it reaches the buildings, where it stops, before moving forwards to assume a position in the edge of a wooded area – where Kor gives it a 'Dig-In' action. Now dug-in, the Kourian settles down to snipe at Kirks forces … and two of Kirks Paladin tanks approach to trade fire with the dug-in super heavy tank … the first Paladin stops and – using a 'Concentrated Fire' action – fires at the Kourian. Measuring the range at 32cm, Kirk rolls 1D6 and gets a 4 and consults consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Super Heavy Vehicle: +0 
Range is beyond Optimum Range: -1 
Target is a Vehicle Unit type and is Dug-In: -1 
Firer is using 'Concentrated Fire' action: +1 Target Unit is Armoured: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is -2, meaning that the rolls total is reduced to 2. Kirk refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 0-2 on the table results in the 'Ricochet!' result, and and the shot from the Paladins cannon bounces clean off the Kourians thick armour … Now the second of Kirks Paladin tanks using a 'Move & Ranged Fire' action – it closes a full 12cm, reducing the range to 20cm and then fires. Kirk rolls 1D6 and gets a 3 and consults consults the Ranged Fire Table drives (USE ME 6mm p.9) – the following modifiers are applied to the roll total: 

Firers Weapon is vehicle weapon vs Super Heavy Vehicle: +0 
Target is a Vehicle Unit type and is Dug-In: -1 
Target Unit is Armoured: -1 

The total of the applicable modifiers is -2, meaning that the rolls total is reduced to 1. Kirk refers to the Combat Results Table (USE ME 6mm p.9) and looks at the 'Vehicle Units' column – a total of 0-2 on the table results in the 'Ricochet!' result, and the second shot from a Paladin cannon is bounced clean off the Kourians thick armour …again … and at a later time in the battle 3 squads of Kirks Grenadier Infantry will swarm in to try & deal with the giant tank. 

6. Special or Unique Actions (USE ME 6mm p.13): 
As explained in the main rules, these actions allow players to carry out actions like recovering items or units, finding 'valuables', demolishing or rebuilding things, or rescuing people or such like, or just about anything that a player might conceive a need for. Although no hard and fast rules have been written for these unusual events, and simple rule of thumb for them is 'roll 1D6, on a 4+ you are successful' … 

Players should co-operate when using such actions to establish the required dice rolls needed for a success. Example: Kors Kourian SCU has been destroyed in melee combat by 3 squads of Kirks Grenadier infantry, and Kirk declares his intention to search the burning wreck for survivors, stating his intention is to capture any 'senior officers' still alive. Kor agrees to this but says a 5+ will be required for success, and so next time the Grenadier infantry are activated, Kirk rolls 1D6 for the active squad and rolls a 3, failing to find anyone alive in the burning wreck. Kirk tries again with the second squad (Kor says OK, but this is the last try – if nobody is found this time, no-one will be found). Kirk rolls 1D6 again, and this time rolls a 6, and so finds a 'senior officer' alive and takes her prisoner. 

Using such 'Special and Unique' actions can lead to further scenario ideas and a more detailed background 'story' and 'history' for the players games – perhaps Kor will attempt a rescue of the captured officer, or Kirks interrogation of the officer will reveal secret plans … with all such ideas leading to further games, battles & fun …

3. Off-Table Support Phase (USE ME 6mm Rules, p.14) 
The use of Off Table Support is entirely optional, but the timely intervention of some off table support can sometime turn a losing battle into a survivable one … or turn a wavering enemy into a broken one. But off table support is both expensive, invariably one use in nature, and only available in limited quantities. 

Example 1: Kor has two uses of the 'Long Range Artillery Support' option available for his force. As Kirks forces advance Kor can only watch as a platoon of Kirks Attack Bikes swarms across the table heading in the direction one of Kors Devil Frog artillery battery's. Kor has no units in line of sight to try and stop the bikes, so in the Off Table Support Phase he decides to use one of his Long Range Artillery Support options to engage the bike. Kor places a single 4cm radius explosion template on the bikes and rolls 1D6, getting a 3 … the Long Range Artillery is inaccurate and deviates. Kor rolls 1D6 on the deviation table (USE ME 6mm Rules, p.11) and getting a 6. The artillery moves backwards, so Kor rolls 2D6 getting a 5. The explosion template moves back towards Kors table edge … and still manages to cover 3 of Kirks bikes. All 3 bikes are automatically hit in the artillery strike, so Kor rolls 1D6 for each bike, adding +3 to each roll. Kor rolls a 3, a 4 and a 6 – with the +3 modifier it means that each of the bikes is 'Knocked Out!' 

Example 2: It is late in the game, and with his Kourian SCU knocked out Kors forces are now suffering from greatly reduced Elan effecting their ability to fight. Now desperate to try and turn the tide, Kor decides now is the time to use his single use of 'Drop Troops Insertion'. Selecting a spot in the table where Kirks Grenadier Infantry have been advancing and destroying all before them, Kor rolls 1D6 for each of 7 'Elite Drop troops' infantry bases. For the first base he rolls a 4, and the Drop Troops land right where he wants them, in the middle of a pack of Kirks infantry. Kor does the same for the rest of the Drop Troops, rolling a 2 (the Drop Troops unit deviates 11cm from its intended landing point … and out of the battle!), a 5 (the Drop Troops land right where he wants them), another 2 (the Drop Troops unit deviates 7cm from its intended landing point … not so far that they can't rejoin the fray!), a 1 (the Drop troops are killed before they can land by flak and/or accidents), a 6 (the Drop Troops land right where he wants them), and finally – for the Command Squad – another 6 (the Drop Troops Command Squad lands right where he wants them). Mow all Kor needs is to win the initiative and get his Elan 6 Drop Troops into action before Kirk can respond … 

The use of Off Table Support is risky in that it's expensive in points, and might not work out as intended, either missing its target (or worse still, hitting the wrong target ... like friendly units!) or sometimes never being used due to lack of time or opportunity. The temptation to avoid 'wasting' it until its 'really' needed means it's often overlooked until too late … 

4. The Consolidation Phase (USE ME 6mm Rules, p.15) 
The Consolidation Phase is all about tidying up the playing area, removing all 'Disabled' and 'Suppressed' markers, and checking to see if scenario victory conditions have been met yet, or if the games 'Turns Limit' has been reached. It is also the time in the Turn when Morale rolls are made. Morale rolls come into effect once a sides numerical strength as a percentage of its original starting numbers falls to 50% or less. When this happens a 1D6 roll is made for EACH remaining unit in the force left on the table. Units fail initially on a 1-2, but when losses reach 75% and another Morale Roll is made, they fail on a roll of 1-3 … 

Example: The hard fought action between Kirk and Kor reaches its conclusion when Kirks force, having lost 30 of his original 57 units, has to make Morale Rolls for each of his remaining units. For each 1D6 roll of 1-2 that unit is removed from play as Infantry scatter & flee, or vehicle crews abandon their vehicles and likewise flee. A further 10 of Kirks units break and flee, reducing him to just 17. Should Kirk lose another 3 or more units he will be forced to make another Morale Roll for reaching 75% losses, failing this roll on a roll of 1-3. 

The end is nigh … 


Wednesday 15 June 2022

Comparing Deadloque to Escape the Dark Czar miniatures for Flintloque by request

By players request and following up on the re-mastering of 5002 Deadloque Miniatures Set and the adding of a seventeenth pose never seen before as well as updated Flintloque 3rd edition character stats for Gerard, his Elves and Gerard with his Zombies (see our Free Downloads page for this and a lot more) another wee article on the miniatures.  

How do miniatures some twenty plus years apart in the Flintloque range compare?  5024 Escape the Dark Czar is the inheritor of Deadloque taking place in the same damnedable dead march out of the snow clad Witchlands.  So you you go (click to enlarge):

General de Brigade Hugo Saindoux led the 5th Brigade of the 1er Armee du Norde until it was routed and all but destroyed. He did have a private staff of three just to cook his meals but they are gone and all Hugo has left is a family heirloom a cooking pot which he refuses to leave behind. He is beloved by those who follow his leadership. 

Soldat Ayers Quinte de Toux.  The contrast between the general and the only other Elf in the small group of survivors could not be more stark. Only a boy Ayers joined the 9eme Regiment de Ligne after a recruiting party came to his village outside Lyonesse.  He was starving.  

Soldat Hulmutt Jucken is an embittered soul. The eighth in his mothers litter the world has not been kind to him. There was little to go around in the smokey hut that the pup called home and he could not wait to escape. The Army of the Dutchy of Neuterstadde was small just like the dutchy and it was called in its entirety for the Grande Armee du Norde.  

Captain Boell Umfrage. A soldier of some experience who had served with Marshal Sault in Catalucia before joining the Grande Armee du Norde and marching for the Witchlands. Skilled in hunting and in scouting Boell was in the process of ranging ahead of the rest of his regiment when the hammer of the Dark Czar’s ambush fell. He is the only survivor of a hundred Ogres who fought several hundred Zombies to a standstill. 

"The past is dim for the captain. Within him he feels a life that he no longer knows. Like a vice the hand of the Dark Czar is in his mind but now and again he remembers the smell of flowers though none grow in the Witchlands and the auburn hair and smile of a girl he does not know. He knows the art of war and of being a cavalryman. Unknown to the Captain and to the other Zombies they used to be troopers in the 23rd Regiment of Cuirassiers in the Army of Armorica and it was for this reason that they were lifted from the blood soaked ground and carefully reanimated to serve as cavalry once more. New names and goals but the same retained skills. Now on foot and with muskets taken from those who no more need of them the Zombies stalk the mortals."

The Zombies lack individuality (not a surprise but rather sad when taken with the above) in their ranks apart from a few such as the Savants in 5024 and long term notables such as Baditch.  Their sections are led by a Vampyre such as Grigori Dracsul and watched over by a K.G.B Liche like Stalinov who keeps order.  This is all explained in 5026 Death in the Snow game book.  Captain Preserovitch leads 'smarter zombies' who do not need a Liche and you can also find them as mounted infantry in their original role as cuirassiers.

If you would like to get into Flintloque then the great value beginners set is the place to do it.  Go to Beginning in Flintloque for the set as well as expansions and free material to read and download.

Despite the two decade difference in age it has been very satisfying to see and hear from Flintloque players that these newer resin miniatures fit right in with the metal ones.  We have had a number of Flintloque fans ask for a crossover full length scenario featuring both heroes.  I have some ideas and it might happen during 2022.  If you would like to read about the day that Gerard meets Saindoux do let me know.

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday 14 June 2022

Tabletop Fun June 2022

Across the world and the internet tabletop gamers, collectors, painters and players show off their miniatures and models bought from us or from our stockists such as Noble Knight Games. While the vast majority of these pass us by sometimes a kindly soul will show us their hobby results. Click on each picture on our blog to make it larger. 
In this round up are six such results ranging from 15mm Historicals to 15mm Science Fiction, to The Ion Age as well as Flintloque and 28mm Fantasy. Where possible names and links have been provided and in each case a link to the website is present. Enjoy! 
Tim Cook's Banneret of the Fleet! Tim painted up this 28mm Ion Age Miniature (IA002 in IB1 Retained Knights pack) as a Varlet Standard for his collection. He took several attempts at it but told us that he is happy with the effects and the basing he achieved. We agree! 
The Failed Apprentice painted by Heroic Miniatures (see them on Instagram) a one piece miniature CA1-05 from The Wizard's Progress pack. Painted in a night time dead flesh scheme using Vallejo colours to be a Necromancer's aide perhaps. He gives more details on his account. But yuck! That really works. 
The gallant South Mordor Regiment by Dances with Gnomes (see him on Instagram) his Slaughterloo Orc Line Unit using a photo editing program. One of the more famous regiments in the Army of Albion in a fierce battle with Armorican Elves and Diberian Werewolves. Featuring a scratch built Sergeant Obidiah speaking into his shako you can have your own unit with 54503 Orc Line including an officer and colour party. 
Cai-Z popped up on the mighty 15mm Science Fiction group on Facebook and kindly permitted the use of this picture from his growing collection. HOF155 Dominator Sphere on the attack amid a lovely looking landscape. All those limbs will give anyone a hard time in combat! 

Wargrunt Art (find them on Facebook) recently increased their 15mm historical forces with elements of Visigoths taken from our Isarus Dark Age Goths range. Lovely work on these and we often do not see these painted up. We hear he is now working on a Hun Army too. 
This just in by Tony Aguilar for his DBA Army of the Konstantinian Byzantine list two stands of mounted Norman Knights. Lovely stuff and restored Tabletop Games 15mm range you can see in the Israrus pages of the website. Tony has added artillery and infantry to his army and it is looking very strong. 
Thank you for your time!