The Alternative Armies Blog

Welcome to the Alternative Armies blog. This blog tells you all about what we are up to and it is where we post our latest tabletop gaming news and articles.
We cover Flintloque and Slaughterloo, High Fantasy, Other Ranges as well as our 15mm scale fantasy, science fiction and historical ranges.
Our game systems and free content such as PDF downloads and reading articles. Enjoy and do dig back in time to see what was going on before now.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. We are always happy to help gamers with their hobby.

Friday 28 July 2017

USEME Mini Campaign and 16 Scenario free mega bundle by Vic Dobson

One of my fondest creations as a humble creator of wargaming content and books is USEME.  The 'Ultra Simple Engine for Miniature Engagements' system has a dozen titles to its name and in print and download has been all over the world with eight thousand copies sold since first release.  I have played and seen played games with USEME from five 15mm figures a side to five hundred at conventions.  Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Starships, Zombies and more and all really easy plus without a setting you can fit them to your own wants.  

One of the firmest fans of USEME has agreed to make a massive bundle of content he created for the game free to download from us here at Alternative Armies.  Mr Vic Dobson has a mini-campaign as well as a map and sixteen single scenarios all in this bundle and it is meant for UM001 USEME 15mm Science Fiction and UM006 USEME Starship Battles.  Go HERE for the USEME page on our website and read on for the download link and an offer on some miniatures which feature in the range.

USEME Mini-Campaign, 16 Scenarios and Map Bundle
Written by Vic Dobson the mega bundle is a fantastic free edifice of USEME scenarios and more. Sixteen single and loosely linked scenarios.  The Battle of Beta Carotene, Tiger Run, Recon Run, The Raid, Bug Hunt (parts 1,2,3,4), Battle of the Spanners, The Patrol, The Valley of Death, A Bun in the Over, Run Fat Boy Run, A Fistful of Credits, Wendigo and lastly Night Flight to Mandagora.  On top of this is the mini-campaign called Smash and Grab.  There is also the space map that goes with all the scenarios and shows the factions. This is a mighty mountain of free gaming material lovingly assembled for your enjoyment with every scenario being fairly small scale with a playing time of ten to forty minutes.  They make use of Alternative Armies miniatures in the pictures and of Vic's own table layouts and graphics.

CLICK HERE to download the free mini-campaign and fourteen scenario plus map bundle from our dropbox as a zip file.  Enjoy!

There are more than dozen titles in the USEME Series with more to come.  Written by authors including Gavin Syme (GBS), Omer Golan Joel, Kurt Benson, Bob McAlister and Alex Scott.  If you click on your chosen title on our website you can learn all about it, what period it covers, its contents, a short article on it and pictures of pages too. Do you Want a Set of Wargame Rules that are Fun, Simple and Elegant? That are used all over the World and take only minutes to learn?  Look no further!

UM001 15mm Science Fiction
UM002 15mm Fantasy
UM003 World War Two
UM004 Modern Warfare
UM005 American Civil War
UM006 Starship Battles
UM007 Post Apocalyptic
UM008 Wild West
UM009 Zombie Dawn
UM010 Support Pack (Expansion)
UM011 Cyberpunk
UM013 Eldritch Horror

We offer the whole range as great value digital downloads which you are free to print for your own use.  Every download contains the book, its covers plus an 'ease print' version for simple printing at home.  We also have some A6 format printed versions.  At the cheaper just 3.00GBP price for a set of rules immediate...its awesome!  Go HERE.

USEME can be played with any suitable 15mm miniatures or miniature starships for this free bundle of files.  Miniatures from our HOF 15mm Science Fiction Range are always popular as are those from the classic Laserburn Range.  We also have some excellent Fleet Scale Mecha as well.  

To celebrate the mega bundle we have put an offer on our HOF Grey Aliens with their Landing Party and their Flying Saucer as well as our HOF Skimmers with SFA Riders and Skimmers with Rim Merc Riders.  All of these are 15% off their regular prices. Go HERE. Enjoy!

Excellent work by Vic and have fun with the free bundle and offers!

Thanks for Reading,


Wednesday 26 July 2017

Elf Vivandiere released for Flintloque along with free article

The final new release from Alternative Armies this month is for Flintloque (and Slaughterloo) and it is a single female 28mm white metal miniature. Following up on 59526 Elf Corpse Pile and 57801 Vistholwa Legion earlier this month. 51048 Elf Vivandiere or the carrier of the canteen is a special character to add to your Section or Units for bonuses in play if you field the Ferach Armee. As well as the release we have a free Uniformation article to download giving you game mechanics and more. Go HERE or read on for more. 

Added to the Elves of Armorica and good as a camp follower or Elvish civilian in its own right this lovely figure by Elton Waters. 

51048 Elf Vivandiere 
This pack contains a single 28mm scale white metal female Elf dressed in civilian clothing and carrying a wine barrel and tin mug. The canteen carrier sells sundries and such to Elf soldiers in the field and is well liked by the commanders of the Ferach Armee. You can learn more about Armorican Elves in 5025 Flintloque 3rd Edition War in Catalucia. There is a free Uniformation article with game mechanics in it. Suitable for use in any Fantasy 28mm game system. Go HERE. 2.00GBP 

Click HERE to download the Uniformation article from our dropbox for free. A one page official game mechanics and more article for Flintloque and Slaughterloo as well as uniform details and story too. Enjoy! 

We have other Elvish ladies and civilians for you too look at. These ones sculpted by Rob Alderman. 

51047 Elf Ladies 
Thee Female Miniatures. This pack contains three Elvish Ladies in white metal 28mm scale. Wearing dresses of the finest silks and cloth these three ladies represent youth, bloom and middle age giving many scenario uses. Go HERE. 7.00GBP A firm favourite among players of Slaughterloo this venerable set of miniatures has Elves and scenic items in it too. 

51503 Elf Field Hospital 
This code contains nine 28mm scale white metal pieces and is a collectors set with special uses in Slaughterloo and in your Flintloque scenarios. Contains Elvish Surgeon, Doctor, Sawbones, Two different Stretcher Bearers, the Stretcher and the Operating Table. Go HERE. 18.00GBP 

We have a trio of Weekly Deals which run Monday to Sunday each week. Each week three different offers all at 20% off normal price for a code in that range on all of its options including painted and ready for play as well as whole units if applicable. We have a Flintloque code deal, a High Fantasy code deal and a 15mm scale code deal. Get something for your wargaming and check them out every Monday when they change. HERE. We also have a Latest Releases page where all of our codes from about the last six to ten weeks of releases are sited as well as in their own pages. If you want to see what Alternative Armies has been doing it is a great place to start. All of our ranges, all our game systems, 28mm and 15mm. All HERE

Thanks for Reading, 


Monday 24 July 2017

Early Pursuit in the Witchlands a Flintloque article by Andy Jefcoate

Huzzah! The second in a series of linked Flintloque articles by Andy Jefcoate about his new forays in the Witchlands.  If you missed the first article where he got his starter set then you can read in our blog HERE.  In this article he takes to the frozen retreat and seeks out adventure. With pictures of his own painted collection. Read on and enjoy!  GBS

Early Pursuit in the Witchlands 

Having bought the excellent 5024 Escape from the Dark Czar starter set and having played the three enclosed scenarios using the included Flintloque core rules; I was hooked. The scenarios use all ten of the figures in the set and are great fun. You can pick up the basic rules quickly; although I realise I am still a beginner and there's a lot more to learn. 

Alternative Armies have released some excellent terrain items for Flintloque to go with these starter scenarios. There is set 5003A which includes small Stone Walls and a Camp Fire. This is excellent for Scenario One as the Ferach force begin the game sleeping in their camp and the Camp Fire makes a great central point to position your figures around. 

This scenario is indeed perfect for your first game. It is very simple with Saindoux's band waking to find that the zombies are almost on top of them! The aim is for 75% of the Ferach force to escape the playing area. The zombies don't move quickly, but this is no consolation when you are rolling dice to wake your characters and they don't want to know (Monday morning maybe?). This makes things tense and exciting. Don't forget that as a last resort a character that is awake can drag a sleeping character 8cm, this probably saved Ayers in my first game; but that's teenagers for you!

Scenario Two in Escape the Dark Czar brings another item of terrain into play as the Ferach force needs to collect resources from an abandoned cart while fending off the zombies. For your centre piece you can use set 59523 Abandoned Beer Wagon or set 59524 Abandoned Provisions Wagon. Either would be great but I was drawn to the Beer Wagon (not for the first but time!). These are lovely models in resin and the details are superb. They can be painted up quickly and help to build the narrative of these scenarios. As you can see from the attached picture I've made use of some bottles from the BS17 Glass Bottles sprue when preparing the beer wagon for painting which just adds a personal touch to this fine model.

Scenario Two is my favourite of the starter scenarios. Each of the Ferach characters has to collect food from the cart but you also need to inflict 50% casualties on the zombies without suffering 75% casualties yourself or the Undead win. The cart is great cover as otherwise there are only a few trees on the board. In my first game it was very crowded behind the cart, luckily there are no grenades or artillery available to the Savant Zombies....  When I get to Grapeshotte things will change!

The final game, Scenario Three it is a fight to the death between the two sides in snow covered ruins but with the added complication of the chance of damp powder the first time each weapon is fired. The walls that come along with the Camp Fire can be useful for some of the smaller ruins. Victory goes to the first side to kill 100% of the opposing force. Remember to not get too close before first firing your weapon or a misfire can result in a very bad day! In my first game the Dogman Hulmutt Jucken tried a shot at close range and was very lucky that Boell Umfrage the Ogre was nearby or he would have had to fight 2 Savant Zombies on his own. 

The scenarios are all very good and work perfectly with the figures in the set while letting you try the various aspects of the core rules. There are some handy counters to copy and use on the same page as scenario Three, and the final two pages of the book are pre-filled Roster Sheets for the two sections which give you all the stats you need to use in your games. 

I found that after painting the figures in the starter set and having played these initial games, I wasn't ready to abandon Saindoux and his band to their fate just yet and I wanted to continue the narrative.  I think this was the point of the starter set and I was hooked to find out what would happen next! Having survived the pursuit of Captain Preserovitch and his Savant zombies so far they are still deep in the Witchlands with a long way to travel to get to safety. I also wanted to expand both forces from the great ranges of figures available.

As I mentioned in my first article, I purchased a couple of figures from 56594 Witchlands Dogmen Line and the For Zombie Cossacks on foot from pack 55009. My plan was that as Saindoux's group and their pursuers travel through the Witchlands they gather others to them that they meet on their way. The Two Dogmen are Regular Infantry like Soldaten Hulmutt Jucken in the starter set, and likewise the Cossacks are Savant Zombies just like Captain Preserovitch's band. In the short term it is easy to use the stats on the starter set roster sheets to try the figures out as they meld right in.

While I was happy to continue to play Flintloque from the 5024 booklet for the time being, I wanted to know more about the game itself. Especially the other units and races that form the Grande Armee Du Norde and the Dark Czar's legions. I therefore decided to buy the 5026 Death In The Snow game book and purchased it as part of the Shilling Service Pack which gave me more miniature is great value.  Escape from the Dark Czar takes place in the same locations and time frame as the main game book. Once again I will let you know how I get on in the next article.

Thank you for reading. 


Thursday 20 July 2017

Fantasy Warlord classic 28mm range at Alternative Armies

Now returned to Alternative Armies the classic blister pack range for Fantasy Warlord. A much loved high fantasy game system from 1990 for which Alternative Armies produced 28mm scale white metal miniatures. At popular request there is a new page on our website where you can find the Humans, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Ogres and Dwarfs characters as well as multi packs of infantry and weapon sprues and shields; now back in production. Out picture shows 26000 Ogre Hero painted up by Alternative Armies studio. Go HERE or read on for more. 

The miniatures for this range are in three distinct sections. Characters, Multi-Packs and Weapons. We are using the original codes and here follows the list of what we have. Please note these miniatures use separate weapons and have integral bases (they are not 'slotta base' type figures) and while characters come with a weapon and sometimes a shield included the multi-packs do not come with weapons and you should choose the weapon sets you desire while ordering. Go HERE

Multipack Troops. Each of the packs listed here contains five 28mm scale white metal miniatures. These are one piece figures which are supplied without bases or weapons (except in the case of 16100 Ogres which are supplied with two sprues of Ogre Weapons). You should choose weapon sets for your chosen fantasy race while planning your forces. 

10000 Merchant Kingdoms Soldiers (5) 
10300 Soldiers of Carylls (5) 
10400 Scarlet Empire Soldiers (5) 
11000 High Elves (5) 
11500 Wood Elves (5) 
12000 Dwarf Warriors (5) 
13000 Western Goblins (5) 
14000 Western Orc Uruks (5) 
14600 Eastern Orcs (5) 
16100 Ogres (2) 

Characters. Each of the codes here is a single miniature in 28mm scale which is a special hero, wizard or other for a fantasy race. Each of these is supplied with weapon and (if applicable) a shield but with no bases. There are several weapon options for some characters and we will supply a random one for that code. 

20000 Hero of the Merchant Kingdoms 
20400 Hero of the Scarlet Empire 
20300 Hero of the Carylls 
20910 Western Wizard 
20911 Eastern Wizard 
20940 Western Warrior Priest 
22000 Dwarf Hero 
22910 Dwarf Wizard 
23000 Western Goblin Hero 
23910 Western Goblin Wizard 
24000 Western Orc Hero 
24910 Western Orc Wizard 
24901 Eastern Orc Hero 
24950 Western Orc Discipline Master 
21000 Elven Hero 
26000 Ogre Hero 

Weapons Pack. These weapon sets are 28mm white metal and can be used for any wargaming system. In this range these weapons are meant to be held by the figures in the Multi-Packs. Each weapon pack contains a number of different pieces. 

30001 Western Weapons 
30002 Eastern Weapons 
30003 Dwarf Weapons 
30004 Goblin and Orc Weapons 
30005 Elven Weapons 

Shields Pack. There are two shield packs containing 28mm white metal shields for any wargame system. They are split into 'Good Orientation' and 'Evil Orientation' packs and you may select from the pack single shields. The codes for these are NEW CODES and this removal of shields from the weapon packs was done to aid wargamers in choosing their equipment for Multi-Packs as many wargamers did not wish for shields with the weapon sprues. This way a wargamer may choose any shield they wish in any quantity they desire. 

40001 Good Orientated Shields 
40002 Evil Orientated Shields 

You can click on the images above to see the whole range in two sheets taken from the Alternative Armies catalogue back in the early 1990's. Go HERE for the Fantasy Warlord range. 

Thanks for Reading, 


Tuesday 18 July 2017

Furioso 15mm Renaissance Starter Armies and Starter Scenario

Welcome to Alternative Armies 15mm scale historical news and releases for July 2017. We have some great things for the new Furioso wargame rules for the 16th century written by Steve Danes. Focused on Renaissance Warfare in the Sixteenth Century it is a simple to learn but tactically challenging set of rules good for any scale from 6mm to 28mm with our focus on 15mm. We have two new 250 point starter armies each with all the miniatures you need plus free element bases to give you a French or Italian army. We have packs of Furioso size element bases for your miniatures. We have a mega starter bundle which includes two 250 point armies with over 19GBP of free element bases AND the rule book included free (10GBP saving) too! Lastly for free download a starter scenario for the game written by the author. All below. Click through HERE or read on! 

“Furioso is a set of wargames rules that covers European warfare in the sixteenth century. The rules allow players to fight large scale land battles with a simple to use and enjoyable gaming system. Wargaming the sixteenth century is an attractive prospect for players, it is an interesting and colourful period full of garishly dressed soldiers and colourful and exotic troop types. The period also shows signs of the beginnings of modern warfare with the introduction of the firearm and the tactical developments that went with it. Armies struggled to find a way of incorporating this new technology into traditional practises. Much time was spent experimenting and introducing new battlefield tactics - and yet the tried and tested methods of medieval warfare continued to produce spectacular victories. Few could stand against the awesome charge of the French Gendarmes nor face the ferocious onslaught of the Swiss pike-square. Despite this, warfare did evolve during this period. The arquebus and musket replaced the bow and crossbow, knights began to put aside their lances and take up the pistol. Already the nature of pike & shot warfare that would dominate the seventeenth century was already beginning to take shape by the end of this period. Furioso is designed to re-create large scale battles such as those fought at Fornovo, Cerignola, Bicocca, Dreux, Moncontour, Clontibret, Yellow Ford, Ivry - to name but a few! Furioso can be fought using any scale figures from 6mm to 28mm. 

The rules themselves have a very simple system at their heart. If you want to do anything you need to roll a d6, a score of five or more will achieve success, a score of four or lower means failure. Modifiers are applied but this is to the number of dice rolled to achieve success and not the score required. Success will therefore be measured by the number of successful scores achieved. At the start of a turn, players will roll one Initiative die for each unit, better quality and motivated units will receive a bonus to this score, poor quality unit’s a deduction. Units will be activated in sequence with the highest scoring unit going first followed buy lower scoring units - and units that score zero or less won’t be doing anything! This means that play will pass from unit to unit rather than one side activating all of their units and then the opposing side activating all of theirs. The result of this kind of mechanic means that players will have less control over their overall force and may find it difficult to execute a strategic plan - but in a period when many commanders would be personally leading their troops in to battle and fighting sword in hand in the front rank - that seems like an entirely realistic ambition for the period. 

Also included in the rules is a series of random events of Hazards that cover such situations as Swiss troops striking over pay, raiding cavalry stealing an armies baggage and a whole host of other misfortunes that commonly befell armies of the period. To the rear of the rules are a number of army lists for all of the major armies of the period. Also included are unit cards for all of these units which you can copy for use. These will be used during the deployment phase of the battle so that opposing armies will have only a limited idea of their opponents composition and dispositions. And finally, we hope you enjoy playing these rules. Our intention with this game is to provide a fun and entertaining way to explore the tactical changes and challenges of the period with a healthy dose of ‘period-feel’ thrown in for good measure. We think this has been achieved - and we hope you agree too!” S.Danes 2017 

FUR01 Furioso Rule Book 
You can get the fifty two page rule book for Furioso in print and as a digital download. Containing all the mechanics and army lists you need for this fun and tactical wargame title set in the sixteenth century. Save 20% with the digital download version over the print version. Written by Steve Danes. Go HERE

FURA00 Furioso Mega Starter Bundle (Two Armies, Free Bases, Free Book) 
Our mega value starter bundle for Furioso gives you two entire 250 point starter armies as well as their element bases and a copy of the rule book. The resin element bases (68 resin bases worth over 19GBP) are supplied for free as is the Furioso book (worth 10GBP) meaning you are paying for the two starter armies which total 278 pieces in 15mm scale white metal. This is amazing value to get you into the game. The supplied armies are FURA01 French Army and FURA02 Italian Army both of the Great Italian Wars of the early sixteenth century. For additional information on contents please refer to the army codes on our website. Supplied with assembly instructions. Total Value 126.30GBP. Price 96.40GBP. Go HERE

FURA01 French Army of the Great Italian Wars (250 Point Starter Army) 
This pre-made army for use with Furioso contains all you need to field a two hundred and fifty point starter army for the French during the Great Italian Wars of the early 16th century. Supplied with 118 pieces in 15mm scale white metal consisting of infantry, cavalry and artillery there is also an included army list for assembly. Also included are 30 Element Bases (40mm by 30mm and 40mm by 20mm) for the army worth over 8GBP for free! All the included miniatures are from the Altuos 15mm range. Total value 49.10GBP. Price 41.00GBP. You can also get this army pro-painted and based ready for immediate use. Go HERE

FURA02 Italian Army of the Great Italian Wars (250 Point Starter Army) 
This pre-made army for use with Furioso contains all you need to field a two hundred and fifty point starter army for the Italians during the Great Italian Wars of the early 16th century. Supplied with 160 pieces in 15mm scale white metal consisting of infantry, cavalry and artillery there is also an included army list for assembly. Also included are 38 Element Bases (40mm by 30mm and 40mm by 20mm) for the army worth over 11GBP for free! All the included miniatures are from the Altuos 15mm range. Total value 67.20GBP. Price 55.40GBP. You can also get this army pro-painted and based ready for immediate use. Go HERE

FURB01 Furioso Bases 40mm by 20mm 
For use with Furioso this pack of eight high quality grey tone resin element bases gives you 40mm by 20mm size for your armies. Price 2.00GBP Go HERE

FURB02 Furioso Bases 40mm by 30mm 
For use with Furioso this pack of six high quality grey tone resin element bases gives you 40mm by 30mm size for your armies. Price 2.00GBP Go HERE

See the entire Altuos 15mm Renaissance Range on our website HERE

A free starter scenario for Furioso written by Steve Danes. Download it from our dropbox by clicking HERE. The two starter armies of French and Italian troops face off around a home stead where an abandoned Turtle Car lays for the taking. This short scenario will get you into the game and goes excellently with the new 250 point armies. 

Thanks for your time and for reading, 


Friday 14 July 2017

57801 Visthowla Legion now released with free article

Following up on last week's first look at the mighty Visthowla Legion big werewolf infantry we now put them on general release.  These 45mm tall partially modular white metal 28mm scale miniatures were sculpted by Sam Croes and are part of the Ferach Empire.  If you want to see these plus all of the other codes in the Dutchy of Coltz range for Flintloque and Slaughterloo click HERE otherwise read on and remember to click to download your free Uniformation article too.

Often the mere mention of the name of the Visthowla Legion makes enemies flee from battle, these are the crack Infantry of the Werewolves. Visthowla towering over their comrades armed with the best weapons and led by the best Officers. There are several legions each serving where most needed, some with the Grande Armee du Norde with almost all of their original numbers still intact.

For the Visthowla Legion we have a choice of a skirmish pack (which you can choose single poses from too) and a unit box which has a saving.  Here are the details:

57801 Visthowla Legion
This 28mm scale white metal miniatures skirmish code gives you the big werewolf soldiers of the Visthowla Legion who fight in the service of the Emperor Mordred of the Ferach Empire against the Undead of the Witchlands.  These are partially modular and posable miniatures which once assembled stand around 45mm tall and supplied with 30mm square cartouche bases.  Every pose is supplied with one of two different bodies and one of different three heads.  There is an officer with sword and pistol (1), a musician with drum and drum stick (2), standard bearer with pole and Coltzen Musket (3), sergeant pointing with Coltzen Musket, trooper marching with Coltzen Musket (5) and trooper cradling Coltzen Musket (6).  Note that if you order multiples of a pose we will ensure a variety of body and heads within that.   Choose from a skirmish set of all six poses and from the numbered single poses of the six. You can also select pro-painted and based.  Go HERE.

57801U Visthowla Legion
This 28mm scale white metal unit code gives you a full sixteen strong big werewolves of the Visthowla Legion for Slaughterloo unit.  As with the skirmish set this contains all six partially modular and posable miniatures (Officer, Musician, Standard, Sergeant, Trooper, Trooper) and then an equal mix of the pieces needed for ten more troopers armed with a Coltzen Musket. Supplied with resin cartouche bases.  You can also select pro-painted and based.  The unit gives you an additional saving off single and skirmish set options.  Go HERE.

Those of you who play Slaughterloo or Flintloque with the Death in the Snow book will be familiar with the Witchlands campaign and the titanic of the Grande Armee du Norde against the Undead of the Dark Czar.  You can download a free Uniformation article from our dropbox by clicking HERE. This one page article gives you background as well as statistics and more for the Visthowla Legion in Flintloque and Slaughterloo as well as their big hitter Coltzen Musket too.

Above are some scale pictures of our 57801 Visthowla Trooper cradling musket (6) with some of the characters from the 5024 Escape from the Dark Czar starter set for Flintloque.  As you can see it stands taller than an Ogre and a lot larger than an Elf or Zombie at 50mm from clawed feet to shako.

This is our main release for July for the World of Valon but fret not for there is more to come later this month.  We have another great hobby article about playing Flintloque written by Andy Jefcoate following up on last month. We have another release too which will add a character to your Ferach Armee.  Watch out for these as the month progresses. Alternative Armies wants to thank you for kind words about Flintloque and the latest additions to the range.

Thanks for Reading,


Wednesday 12 July 2017

Sulphur releases 32mm scale larger vehicles!

Alternative Armies is delighted to present to you the larger vehicles and their accessories for the Sulphur 32mm post-apocalyptic tabletop game of mayhem and creeping mists.  Go HERE for the range with all codes plus the game book in print and as a digital download too.  Read on for more information.

Superbly detailed 32mm scale resin miniatures and vehicle kits as well as a skirmish rules system with a great setting.  Sulphur II!

SVDR1 Dune Buggy Raider
This high quality grey tone resin kit contains all the parts to make one medium vehicle kit in 32mm scale with two choices of variant.  Excellent for your wasteland gaming! This model is comprised of twelve separate parts and requires a moderate degree of skill to assemble.  The completed model is a closed topped armoured Buggy Raider with mounted weapons.  NOTE:  There are parts supplied for TWO different build options.  You can mount a Jet Engine (part G) or Pintle with Grenade Launcher (Parts H,I,J)  Parts are lettered for easy reference. 

SVB1 Buggy 
This high quality grey tone resin kit contains all the parts to make one medium vehicle kit in 32mm scale.  Excellent for your wasteland gaming! This model is comprised of eleven separate parts and requires a moderate degree of skill to assemble.  The completed model is an open topped buggy with rear gunner and fuel drum.  NOTE:  This kit can be added to with SVOC1 Open Cockpit Set One, SVOC2 Open Cockpit Set Two, SVS1 Smoke and MG Set, SVAC1 Armoured Cockpit and SVP1 Plough to create variants. Parts are lettered for easy reference.  

SVHT1 Half Track
This high quality grey tone resin kit contains all the parts to make one large vehicle kit in 32mm scale.  Excellent for your wasteland gaming! This model is comprised of fifteen separate parts and requires a moderate degree of skill to assemble.  The completed model is an open topped half track with rear crew and weapon mount choices.  NOTE:  This kit can be added to with SVOC1 Open Cockpit Set One, SVOC2 Open Cockpit Set Two, SVS1 Smoke and MG Set, SVAC1 Armoured Cockpit and SVP1 Plough to create variants. Parts are lettered for easy reference.  

SVOC1 Open Cockpit One  Expansion Set
This high quality grey tone resin expansion set of parts can be used with SVB1 Buggy or SVHT1 Half Track to add more features to either of those vehicles.  Parts supplied are lettered for easy reference. 

SVOC2 Open Cockpit Two Expansion Set
This high quality grey tone resin expansion set of parts can be used with SVB1 Buggy or SVHT1 Half Track to add more features to either of those vehicles.  Parts supplied are lettered for easy reference.  

SVS1 Smoke Launchers and MG Set
This high quality grey tone resin expansion set of parts can be used with SVB1 Buggy or SVHT1 Half Track to add more features to either of those vehicles.  Parts supplied are lettered for easy reference. 

SVAC1 Armoured Cockpit
This high quality grey tone resin expansion set of parts can be used with SVB1 Buggy or SVHT1 Half Track to a feature to either of those vehicles.  Parts supplied are lettered for easy reference. 

SVP1 Plough 
This high quality grey tone resin expansion part can be used with SVB1 Buggy or SVHT1 Half Track to a feature to either of those vehicles.  Parts supplied are lettered for easy reference. 

Go HERE for the Sulphur 32mm range!  Get into the game with the game book.  Here are the details about it.

SUL1  Sulphur Game Book
A4 Format.  Colour Covers. 68 Pages

Sulphur is a set of sci-fi skirmish rules with its own extensive range of 32mm miniatures including infantry, vehicles and heroes. Sulphur has a distinctly post-apocalyptic feel to it which creates battles between rusty and improvised looking war wagons, ragged looking infantry squads, menacing heroes and satisfyingly impressive heavy weapons. The rules allow players to customise their war-wagons with their favourite weapons and equipment - and the vehicle miniatures themselves all come with a range of weapon options.  Armies will be led by a number of heroes, characterful individual warriors with their own profile and special attacks. Infantry are divided into a number of categories such as Light Infantry, Assault Infantry, Warriors and Heavy Weapons. Each infantry squad has a particular function on the battlefield which if used correctly will improve their chances of success. Players need to learn how to use these troops to their best advantage as well as how to combine them with other squads in their force for maximum efficiency and effect. For instance, using light troops to identify targets, using heavy weapons to weaken and suppress the target and then sending in the warriors to finish the enemy off at close quarters. Sounds easy? Not so in practise! This means that it is not just a case of the dude with the biggest gun winning the day (although the game does have plenty of big guns!). The right troops have to be used at the right time in the right way.  And beneath all of this the sinister threat from Sulphur, the insidious creeping mist and shadowy nightmares that lie within it - waiting to terrorise and devour even the bravest souls. It’s the apocalypse folks - and it’s going to get nasty! 

SUL2 Sulphur Game Book Digital Download
Get the book as a paid for digital download from us direct to your device from our website.  Add to cart and get immediate link for download upon payment.  This is the same book as the print version.  As with all Alternative Armies titles this version of the book is 20% cheaper than the print version.

The entire original Sulphur 32mm Range is now online at Alternative Armies and in time to come new releases will be made for the game.  Thank you for your support in bringing this range back to the world with us.

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