The Alternative Armies Blog

Welcome to the Alternative Armies blog. This blog tells you all about what we are up to and it is where we post our latest tabletop gaming news and articles.
We cover Flintloque and Slaughterloo, High Fantasy, Other Ranges as well as our 15mm scale fantasy, science fiction and historical ranges.
Our game systems and free content such as PDF downloads and reading articles. Enjoy and do dig back in time to see what was going on before now.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. We are always happy to help gamers with their hobby.

Friday 30 June 2017

Furioso Renaissance rules QRS free download

Steve Danes the author of Furioso the multiple scale renaissance period wargame has created a Quick Reference Sheet (QRS) for the game and it is our pleasure to present it here for free download.

To get the QRS and other materials for the game go to its page HERE and also our free downloads page HERE (scroll down until you see Furioso) which is hosted on our website.

If you have not heard about Furioso it serves scales from 6mm to 15mm to 28mm for any of your period miniatures.  Focused on Renaissance Warfare in the Sixteenth Century it is a simple to learn but tactically challenging set of rules. The rules allow players to fight large scale land battles with a simple to use and enjoyable gaming system.  Players will find themselves commanding or at least trying to command the armies of the period. Players will quickly realise that some of their forces have minds of their own.  The rules themselves have a very simple system at their heart. If you want to do anything you need to roll a d6, a score of five or more will achieve success, a score of four or lower means failure. Modifiers are applied but this is to the number of dice rolled to achieve success and not the score required. Success will therefore be measured by the number of successful scores achieved. At the start of a turn, players will roll one Initiative die for each unit, better quality and motivated units will receive a bonus to this score, poor quality unit’s a deduction. Units will be activated in sequence with the highest scoring unit going first followed buy lower scoring units - and units that score zero or less won’t be doing anything! This means that play will pass from unit to unit rather than one side activating all of their units and then the opposing side activating all of theirs.  Also included in the rules is a series of random events of Hazards that cover such situations as Swiss troops striking over pay, raiding cavalry stealing an armies baggage and a whole host of other misfortunes that commonly befell armies of the period. To the rear of the rules are a number of army lists for all of the major armies of the period. Also included are unit cards for all of these units which you can copy for use. 

Go HERE to our Altuos 15mm Renaissance range where the Furioso book can be had in print and as a digital download.

The Altuos 15mm Renaissance Range has over a hundred codes including Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Command from Europe and also Ottoman Turkish  from 15th to 17th century.  Excellent value and single figure purchase for any 15mm system.  Go HERE.

Thanks for Reading,


Friday 23 June 2017

Classic Crypt Scorpion and new propainted now online

Now re-molded and back in production is the classic Tabletop Miniatures fantasy code 576 Crypt Scorpion on Flagstone.  Good for 15mm and 28mm scale wargame and dungeon crawl games too. You can get it in a pack of six or as a single creature on its page.  On top of that we have taken 10% off its price!  Our classic 15mm news for the month.

576 Crypt Scorpion on Flagstone
15mm Scale Miniatures.  Useful in 15mm or 28mm scale. This pack contains six identical Scorpions on integral Flag Stone bases. The miniature is white metal and is 16mm across the base. You can choose from a pack of six or a single miniature from the pack.  Ideal for 15mm or 28mm dungeon crawl, skirmishing or swarms. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and without bases.  Some Assembly may be required with miniatures.  Go HERE.

The image showing 28mm Elf and Halfling is for scale only and these are not included.  They can be found in FL13 and FL14 Adventurers packs.  Go HERE.

Alternative Armies supplies hundreds of wargamers all over the world with many thousands of pro-painted and based miniatures every year.  We now have new pro-painted items in stock on our website as well in their own pages.  We have now added 15mm scale ready for use codes to the website including HOTT Armies and single based Monsters and Creatures for fantasy wargaming. See them all HERE. We also have new added 28mm Fantasy and Ganesha Games miniatures on our pro-painted page of the website HERE.  Players of Flintloque and Slaughterloo can find now new in stock pro-painted and based for immediate play codes for those games on the Valon page HERE. Please note stock is limited due to hand painted nature and what you see in the images is the product you are purchasing. Painted and finished to a high tabletop standard here in Scotland.   Excellent value with the price including the miniature itself.

Thanks for Reading,


Monday 19 June 2017

Entire Crystal Elf Empire 28mm fantasy range released!

It is with great pride and delight that Alternative Armies re-releases the entire re-mastered CE range of High Elf codes.  The Crystal Elf Empire ruled over by the Empress Morgana.  The fore runner of the Ferach Empire of the Emperor Mordred who is with this range still only a Crown Prince. Fantastic for any 28mm fantasy system and comprising more than sixty poses of infantry, cavalry, characters and sets to choose from as packs or single figures as well as two excellent saver multitudes giving you one of everything.  

See all the CE codes on their new page of our website and select your choices from within them.  Go HERE or read on for more!

To celebrate the mighty task undertaken to get the Crystal Elf Empire back into the world we have a fantastic offer open to wargamers.  Until 30th of June 2017 we will automatically put a free CE20 Crystal Elf Knight with Lance on a barded horse, worth 4.00GBP, into any and every order placed with us which contains a CE code.  Any CE code from a single miniature to a pack to more will get the free lancer included.  No limit upon the number of orders you can place to do this.  Go HERE.

The Crystal Elf Empire

“Though outnumbered by almost every other lesser race on Valon the foot soldiers of the Crystal Empire are among the finest warriors to grace any battlefield.  In shining plate and swirling cloaks and sashes of verdant colour they are veterans of centuries of conflict.  Their smaller numbers are made up for by close ranks and cruel expressions on their noble faces.  As enemies push upon the Peacock Throne from all sides the Elves are ever more reliant upon magickes and fortifications as well as their bows, spears and swords to keep in their possession the lands of their ancestors.”

“Bedecked in finery of gold and rich purples the cavalry of the Crystal Empire is a sight to behold.  Though loath to dapple the trappings of their horses with the  mud or dust that come with campaigning the knights and lancers of the Peacock Throne will charge down without mercy upon the Undead and the despised Dracci to lethal effect.  Battle Magickes crack and boom over the heads of the riders and lessen the great odds against them.  Often led from the front by nobles and one of the Crown Princes of the Empire the cavalry of the Elves is a wondrous sight indeed.”

“The Empress Morgana has sat upon the Peacock Throne in Lyonesse for longer than the span of any mortal creatures thread of life.  Despite her great age she is a lady of beguiling beauty and fierce mind.  Heralded by tribunes as she rides the Empress wields the Power Ring, an artefact of tremendous magicke, able to rain down destruction or to re-weave the fabric of reality with just a thought.  This might is granted by degree to Elvish Sorcerers and Sorceresses for battle magicke in times of war or in court.  Armies of the Crystal Empire are led by nobles or by one of the two Crown Prince brothers the younger Mordred or the elder Marlass who are both formidable generals.”

This set of CE22 painted by Jimboba 'Warchest'.  See his BLOG.

Here is a list of the codes in the current CE Crystal Elf 28mm range.  They are grouped by type as they are on the website.  Each foot miniature is priced at 2.00GBP and most mounted at 4.00GBP with the choice of single miniature purchase or packs plus saving options for greater purchases plus two multitudes which offer 10% off and give you one of everything which is superb for skimishing or collecting.  We have pictures of all the miniatures both front and back and enlarged.  Go HERE.

CE2 Crystal Tribune and Sorceress
CE3 Crystal Empress Lancer
CE14 Throne of the Empress
CE21 Crown Prince Mordred with Aide

CE4 Garde Dragoon Cavalry
CE5 Garde Dragoon Command
CE6 Garde Lancer Command
CE7 Garde Lancers
CE8 Garde Cuirassier Command
CE9 Garde Cuirassiers
CE10 Garde Infantry Command
CE11 Garde Infantry
CE15 Dismounted Crystal Dragoons

CE12 Crystal Elf Foot Knights
CE13 Empress Elite Cavalry
CE16 Crystal Empress Archers
CE17 Crystal Elf Militia
CE18 Crystal Elf Warriors
CE19 Crystal Elf Archers
CE20 Crystal Elf Knights
CE22 Elf Assassins
CE24 Crystal Elf Infantry

CE23 Wood Elf Infantry
CE1 Wood Elves 

CEM01 Crystal Elf Infantry Multitude Boxed Set – Save 10%  (54 Infantry)

CEM02 Crystal Elf Cavalry Multitude Boxed Set – Save 10%  (18 Cavalry and 2 Infantry)


We want to thank all of our customers for their support and their kind words during the process to get all of our classic 28mm range from the Dwarves to the Orcs Goblins and the Undead through the Humans, Monsters and more Knights back into the world culminating with the Elves here.  With the classic range now fully re-molded and re-released we are planning new expansions starting later this summer of further pack and single codes.

Thanks for Reading,


Friday 16 June 2017

59525 Campaign Table released and a free Flintloque scenario

A new terrain piece good for any 28mm tabletop system such as Flintloque or those set in the horse and wagon or Napoleonic periods too.  Cast in one piece high quality grey tone resin the Campaign Table tells a story.  Papers or a Map spread upon it along with tankards and food as if in the midst of a plan or a meal where those in charge are planning a battle to come.  This scenic piece joins our Abandoned Beer Wagon and Provision Wagon as well as camp fire, festoons and more in our Terrain Range which you can see HERE or read on for more information.  

This is our World of Valon release for June 2017 with more to come next month. Here are the terrain range details and then keep on going to download a free Flintloque scenario which features the Pudigrochumsberg Dogmen taking on the Von Rotte Legion of the Dwarves over some mislaid plans.

59525 Campaign Table
It takes planning to win a campaign and while planning you must eat and drink with your fellow officers.  This 28mm scale resin terrain object is a great piece for World of Valon and historical wargaming too.  Put it on your battlefield or inside buildings or even dungeons.  It is one piece and measures 50mm wide, 30mm deep and 17mm tall. You can purchase one or get three with a saving or get it pro-painted and ready to use. Lots of images including scale and plain casting to see.  

59524 Abandoned Provisions Wagon
Sometimes battles go wrong and you have to leave things behind while your army flees for its collective lives.  Wagons left in fields filled with a diverse load of food, furniture, books and baskets. Looted and broken down the wagon sits ready for others to take from it what they will. This 28mm scale resin terrain object is a great piece for World of Valon and historical wargaming too. Place it on your battlefield! It is one piece and measures 70mm long, 50mm wide and 35mm tall.  You can purchase one or get three with a saving or get it pro-painted and ready to use. Lots of images including scale and plain casting to see.  

59523 Abandoned Beer Wagon
Sometimes battles go wrong and you have to leave things behind while your army flees for its collective lives.  Wagons by the roadside and in this case filled with casks of ale or fine wine or just plain gut rot.  Looted and broken down the wagon sits ready for others to take from it what they will.  This 28mm scale resin terrain object is a great piece for World of Valon and historical wargaming too. Place it on your battlefield! It is one piece and measures 70mm long, 50mm wide and 35mm tall.  You get purchase one or three with a saving or get it pro-painted and ready to use. Lots of images including scale and plain casting to see.  

5003A Stone Walls and Campfire
The set contains a campfire with roaring logs (x1), a piece of wall with an open centre gateway (x2) and two different wall parts (x 2 of each).   You have the choice of purchasing single pieces or a pack or a mega set of walls. 

5003B Festoons and Boxes
The set contains a Wicker Basket Filled with Stones a Festoon (x4) and a small wooden box with attacked keg (x4) . Place these on your battlefield to create action and interest. You have the choice of purchasing single pieces or a pack or a mega set of each.

Go HERE for the Terrain Range.

A Free Flintloque Scenario – All Round the Table!

We have a scenario for you which is a race to recover papers which have been left behind by an unfortunate Pudigrochumsberg General before the cavalry of the Von Rotte Legion capture them and put the whole campaign at risk!  It is a full scenario of two pages with pictures from play testing and is a lot of fun.  You can download it by clicking HERE from our dropbox.

We have a trio of Weekly Deals which run Monday to Sunday each week.  Each week three different offers all at 20% off normal price for a code within the range on all of its options including painted and ready for play as well as whole units if applicable.  We have a Flintloque code deal, a High Fantasy code deal and a 15mm scale code deal.  Get something for your wargaming and check them out every Monday when they change.  HERE.  We also have a Latest Releases page where all of our codes from about the last six to ten weeks of releases are sited as well as in their own pages.  If you want to see what Alternative Armies has been doing it is a great place to start.  All of our ranges, all our game systems, 28mm and 15mm.  All HERE.

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday 13 June 2017

TOR4 The Branding Iron classic 25mm set released

This week we release the forth re-molded set in the classic Torture Chamber Collection 25mm / 28mm scale back from the dawning days of the 1980's.  A range of high quality white metal and resin dungeon, wargame and collector scenics and characters.  Adding to the the Rack, the Cage and the Whipping Beam we present The Branding Iron!   Go HERE for the Torture Chamber Collection page or read on.  Note this collection contains adult themes and the images on our blog and social media are censored with our website showing the original images.

The Torture Chamber Collection was originally seen in the early 1980's from Tabletop Miniatures and there are many more sets from it to come from us when they are back in production.  We aim to get them out every month as molding continues.

TOR4 The Branding Iron
This classic re-molded diorama set is composed of four white metal 25mm scale parts. These are the table of implements, the burning coal brazier, the Female Torturer with hot poker and length of chain and lastly semi nude Female prisoner in rags with manacle on wrist (chain and manacle join up as shown if wished). These miniatures are not supplied with bases and are supplied unpainted. Select your choice from the drop down product menu on our website. Choose from a pack or three packs with a 10% saving applied. You can also choose to purchase poses from the pack as shown on their own.

TOR3 The Rack
This classic re-molded diorama set is composed of seven white metal 25mm scale parts. These are the rack body which features a semi-nude female victim, rack front legs, rack rear legs, crank wheels on either side as well as the Torturer and the Inquisitor. These miniatures are not supplied with bases and are supplied unpainted. Select your choice from the drop down product menu on our website. Choose from a pack or three packs with a 10% saving applied. You can also choose to purchase poses from the pack as shown on their own.

TOR2 The Cage Set
This diorama set is composed of ten white metal 25mm scale parts.  These parts are the pillar, the rope, the clamp, cage top, cage bottom, four cage sides and the prisoner in the cage.  These miniatures are not supplied with bases and are supplied unpainted and unassembled. Select your choice from the drop down product menu on our website.  Choose from a pack or three packs with a 10% saving applied. 

TOR1 The Whipping Beam
This diorama set is composed of seven white metal 25mm scale parts. These are the pillar, the pillar base, the restraining rope, the hook mount, the hand restraints the Captive Nude Woman and the Whipmaster. These miniatures are not supplied with bases and are supplied unpainted. Select your choice from the drop down product menu. Choose from a pack or three packs with a 10% saving applied. You can also choose to purchase only the Whipmaster or the Captive Nude Woman on their own too. Assembly is required with this set of white metal miniatures.


We have a trio of Weekly Deals which run Monday to Sunday each week.  Each week three different offers all at 20% off normal price on all their options including painted and ready for play.  We have a Flintloque deal, a High Fantasy deal and a 15mm scale deal.  Get something for your wargaming and check them out every monday when they change.  HERE.

We also have a Latest Releases page where all of our codes from about the last six to ten weeks of releases are sited as well as in their own pages.  If you want to see what Alternative Armies has been doing it is a great place to start.  All of our ranges, all our game systems, 28mm and 15mm.  All HERE.

Thanks for Reading,


Friday 9 June 2017

Psi Paladin sci-fi 28mm miniatures by Ganesha Games released!

With the Kickstarter completed and the pledges sent out world wide to backers it is time for the rest of humanity (and any aliens who wish to) to get their chance to possess the lovely miniatures from this expansion to Mutants and Death Ray Guns.  Psi Paladin 28mm white metal and resin miniatures in four packs (with single pose within pack options) on the Ganesha Games science fiction range page at Alternative Armies.  Read on for more information or go HERE.  Also this weekend we are putting a free Combot worth 2.00GBP into any order which contains one or more codes from either Ganesha Games range pages on the website.  Just order and we will do the rest.

Finely detailed miniatures in 28mm scale which are suitable for use in any science fiction setting or system such as Mutants and Death Ray Guns or Rogue Stars and so on.  Warrior Space Knights, Aliens, Overlord and Robots which can grace your gaming table and collection.  Manufactured by agreement here in Scotland.

Here are the new codes:

PSY01 Psi Paladins 
A pack of four different white metal miniatures in 28mm scale. Science Fiction warriors suitable for any system.  Choose from a pack or, referring to the numbered image, choose from the options a single miniature from the pack in any quantity.  12.00GBP per pack.

PSY02 Techno Barbarians
A pack of three different white metal miniatures in 28mm scale. Science Fiction warriors suitable for any system.  Choose from a pack or, referring to the numbered image, choose from the options a single miniature from the pack in any quantity.  A war witch, a hero and a lion kind large warrior. 11.00GBP a pack.

PSY03 Lord Phalag and Companions
A pack of three different white metal and resin miniatures in 28mm scale. Science Fiction warriors suitable for any system.  Choose from a pack or, referring to the numbered image, choose from the options a single miniature from the pack in any quantity. Graul Granite (two pieces), Lord Phalag (resin with white metal familiar and chair parts), Skarra an alien.  15.00GBP a pack.

PSY04 Combots
A pack of four, in two different poses, white metal miniatures in 28mm scale. Science Fiction robots suitable for any system.  Choose from a pack or, referring to the numbered image, choose from the options a single miniature from the pack in any quantity. Two different combat robots.  10.00GBP a pack.


Thanks for Reading,


Wednesday 7 June 2017

Sulphur 32mm game book and small vehicles now released!

Following up on the infantry packs and characters of the first wave Alternative Armies is delighted to now release more for Sulphur II the game of post apocalyptic mayhem and creeping mists.  Go HERE now for the game book in print and as a digital download as well as small vehicles and scatter scenics or read on for more information.

Superbly detailed 32mm scale resin miniatures and vehicle kits as well as a skirmish rules system with a great setting.  Sulphur II the game is now here!

SUL1  Sulphur Game Book
A4 Staple Bound.  Colour Covers. 68 Pages

Sulphur is a set of sci-fi skirmish rules with its own extensive range of 32mm miniatures including infantry, vehicles and heroes. Sulphur has a distinctly post-apocalyptic feel to it which creates battles between rusty and improvised looking war wagons, ragged looking infantry squads, menacing heroes and satisfyingly impressive heavy weapons. The rules allow players to customise their war-wagons with their favourite weapons and equipment - and the vehicle miniatures themselves all come with a range of weapon options.  Armies will be led by a number of heroes, characterful individual warriors with their own profile and special attacks. Infantry are divided into a number of categories such as Light Infantry, Assault Infantry, Warriors and Heavy Weapons. Each infantry squad has a particular function on the battlefield which if used correctly will improve their chances of success. Players need to learn how to use these troops to their best advantage as well as how to combine them with other squads in their force for maximum efficiency and effect. For instance, using light troops to identify targets, using heavy weapons to weaken and suppress the target and then sending in the warriors to finish the enemy off at close quarters. Sounds easy? Not so in practise! 

This means that it is not just a case of the dude with the biggest gun winning the day (although the game does have plenty of big guns!). The right troops have to be used at the right time in the right way.  And beneath all of this the sinister threat from Sulphur, the insidious creeping mist and shadowy nightmares that lie within it - waiting to terrorise and devour even the bravest souls. It’s the apocalypse folks - and it’s going to get nasty! 

SUL2 Sulphur Game Book Digital Download
Get the book as a paid for digital download from us direct to your device from our website.  Add to cart and get immediate link for download upon payment.  This is the same book as the print version. As with all Alternative Armies titles this version of the book is 20% cheaper than the print version.

SVAB1 Attack Bike
This high quality grey tone resin kit contains all the parts to make one small vehicle kit in 32mm scale.  Excellent for your wasteland gaming! This model is comprised of five separate parts and requires a moderate degree of skill to assemble.  The completed model is one rider upon a bike.  Parts are lettered for easy reference.

SVAQ1 Attack Quad
This high quality grey tone resin kit contains all the parts to make one small vehicle kit in 32mm scale.  Excellent for your wasteland gaming! This model is comprised of nine separate parts and requires a moderate degree of skill to assemble.  The completed model is three riders upon a quad bike.  Parts are lettered for easy reference.

SVAQ2 Attack Mini Quad
This high quality grey tone resin kit contains all the parts to make one small vehicle kit in 32mm scale.  Excellent for your wasteland gaming! This model is comprised of seven separate parts and requires a moderate degree of skill to assemble.  The completed model is one rider upon a quad bike.  Parts are lettered for easy reference.

ST1 Battered Barrels
A set of five different 32mm scale oil or chemical barrels in dented condition made of high quality grey tone resin.

ST2 Mattresses
A set of four different 32mm scale mattresses in used and soiled conditions made of high quality grey tone resin.

LBA9 25mm Circle Black Plastic Slot Bases
A pack of thirty 25mm round plastic bases which can be used for Alternative Armies or for any other makers wargame systems. These are "Slotta Bases" and suit Sulphur and Ganesha Games miniatures.

Go HERE for the Sulphur Range and the third wave of release will happen in a few weeks time in early July 2017.

Thanks for Reading,


Monday 5 June 2017

Furioso Renaissance Warfare rules in print and download released!

Now on the Alternative Armies webstore in print and as a digital download are the great new Furioso Renaissance Wargame Rules written by Steve Danes.  These are added to our extensive 15mm miniature range for the period (15th to 17th century) and the rules can be used by any common scale of miniatures.  Go HERE.  Excellent quality and affordable.  The digital download is, as with all our digital titles, twenty percent less than the print book.

Here is a short article about the game rules written by the author which will tell you more about the system:

“Furioso is a set of wargames rules that covers European warfare in the sixteenth century. The rules allow players to fight large scale land battles with a simple to use and enjoyable gaming system. Wargaming the sixteenth century is an attractive prospect for players, it is an interesting and colourful period full of garishly dressed soldiers and colourful and exotic troop types. The period also shows signs of the beginnings of modern warfare with the introduction of the firearm and the tactical developments that went with it. Armies struggled to find a way of incorporating this new technology into traditional practises. Much time was spent experimenting and introducing new battlefield tactics - and yet the tried and tested methods of medieval warfare continued to produce spectacular victories. Few could stand against the awesome charge of the French Gendarmes nor face the ferocious onslaught of the Swiss pike-square. Despite this, warfare did evolve during this period. The arquebus and musket replaced the bow and crossbow, knights began to put aside their lances and take up the pistol.
Already the nature of pike & shot warfare that would dominate the seventeenth century was already beginning to take shape by the end of this period. Furioso is designed to re-create large scale battles such as those fought at Fornovo, Cerignola, Bicocca, Dreux, Moncontour, Clontibret, Yellow Ford, Ivry - to name but a few! 

Players will find themselves commanding or at least trying to command the armies of the period. Players will quickly realise that some of their forces have minds of their own. Gendarmes are likely to charge off at the earliest opportunity - even if this means an entirely unsuitable enemy in terrain not exactly suited to the fully armoured knight. 

Players may wish to try and soften up an enemy before unleashing their Swiss pike squares but they will rarely get the opportunity. Impatient Swiss units are likely to have closed with the enemy before a cannon shot is fired - even if that means charging across terrain that is likely to disorder their densely packed ranks. More defensive minded players can protect their armies with extensive earthworks that will disrupt the enemies attack and provide valuable cover from enemy fire. However, players may find that the enemy are not happy to wait for these constructions to be completed and will launch surprise attacks before such works are finished. And of course, in a time when increasing numbers of mercenaries where employed, players will need to make sure that sufficient care is taken to avoid last minute pay disputes, strikes, mutiny’s and all of the other trials that would complicate the lives of sixteenth century commanders. 

Furioso can be fought using any scale figures from 6mm to 28mm. The rules themselves have a very simple system at their heart. If you want to do anything you need to roll a d6, a score of five or more will achieve success, a score of four or lower means failure. Modifiers are applied but this is to the number of dice rolled to achieve success and not the score required. Success will therefore be measured by the number of successful scores achieved. At the start of a turn, players will roll one Initiative die for each unit, better quality and motivated units will receive a bonus to this score, poor quality unit’s a deduction. Units will be activated in sequence with the highest scoring unit going first followed buy lower scoring units - and units that score zero or less won’t be doing anything! This means that play will pass from unit to unit rather than one side activating all of their units and then the opposing side activating all of theirs. The result of this kind of mechanic means that players will have less control over their overall force and may find it difficult to execute a strategic plan - but in a period when many commanders would be personally leading their troops in to battle and fighting sword in hand in the front rank - that seems like an entirely realistic ambition for the period.
Also included in the rules is a series of random events of Hazards that cover such situations as Swiss troops striking over pay, raiding cavalry stealing an armies baggage and a whole host of other misfortunes that commonly befell armies of the period. To the rear of the rules are a number of army lists for all of the major armies of the period. Also included are unit cards for all of these units which you can copy for use. These will be used during the deployment phase of the battle so that opposing armies will have only a limited idea of their opponents composition and dispositions. And finally, we hope you enjoy playing these rules. Our intention with this game is to provide a fun and entertaining way to explore the tactical changes and challenges of the period with a healthy dose of ‘period-feel’ thrown in for good measure. We think this has been achieved - and we hope you agree too!” S.Danes 2017

Go HERE.   We hope you enjoy this new title and we will be following up upon the book with more codes next month including bases for your stands and starter armies as well.

Thanks for Reading,