The Alternative Armies Blog

Welcome to the Alternative Armies blog. This blog tells you all about what we are up to and it is where we post our latest tabletop gaming news and articles.
We cover Flintloque and Slaughterloo, High Fantasy, Other Ranges as well as our 15mm scale fantasy, science fiction and historical ranges.
Our game systems and free content such as PDF downloads and reading articles. Enjoy and do dig back in time to see what was going on before now.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. We are always happy to help gamers with their hobby.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Fir Bolg releases Hero, Spell Weaver and Warband in Erin range

The Fir Bolg have, as promised, now reached the size of a full faction in the Erin range with the release of two personality miniatures which complete 'CM27' and a value warband with ten miniatures in it has appeared too.  See the entire range HERE or read on for more information.

There are now 91 different miniatures in this unique range which was re-released at the start of this year and the Fir Bolg are no longer lacking in named heroes, magic users, missile weapon as well as war horn and war banner.  CM27-04 Gorman Fir Bolg Hero will lead your warriors and CM27-05 Tanai Spell Weaver will invoke the favours of the gods to aid them.

Saving ten percent (meaning essentially one miniature free) on screen there is the new CMB04 Fir Bolg Warband of ten miniatures (Hero, Champion, Warriors) which gets you a fighting force in a single set.  This forth warband joins the others for the Sidhe, Fomorians and Milesians.

If you are new to the Erin range then consider the CMM00 All of Erin Bundle which contains one of every miniature in the range with a built in 5% saving too.  This saving is on top of any discount code automatically or manually entered at checkout.  All 91 miniatures are in the bundle.

Five new Fir Bolg this year including the first female of this race as well as first missile weapon armed one and musician, banner bearer, hero and magic user; all in the code CM27.  It is our intention to keep on expanding the Erin range giving every faction such characters and types as time passes.

Until 1st April 2022 you automatically get ALT003 Alternia of Erin (our company mascot in her Celtic Myth outfit) in your package and she fits right in with Milesians in your collection.  See the Alternia Mascot collection on the website and also the useful VNT46-06 Skull Heap which is fantastic on your gaming table too.

While Erin 3rd edition is a long way off the range is expanding in a direction to fit it once it arrives.  For now check out the Erin 2nd edition (2005) as a digital download if you want to get playing.

Thank you for your time.


Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Brickdust true scale 15mm Napoleonic Range

Brickdust is the colour of red used by the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars and we have chosen it as the name for the 15mm scale metal range of miniatures originally released in the 1980’s by Tabletop Games. This is a classic range present in the collections of wargamers all over the world. The range is true scale 15mm meaning total figure height of 15mm.   Go HERE and browse or select by nation.

Every miniature is a single piece or small colour section meaning armies can be composed for any skirmish or battle level rules system.  Choose from the infantry, cavalry, command, artillery, gun crews special units, irregulars and personalities of many nations.  France of course (line infantry command above) as well as Great Britain, Austria, Prussia (12lb Cannon above), Russia, Bavaria, Brunswick plus Portugal and Spain.  Also Naval Landing Party, Wagons, Draft Animals and Rocket Troops (above).

We have been told by new and long term customers that the Brickdust Range offers excellent value, choice and works well with our range of BASES FOR MINIATURES which includes element bases as well as square, rectangles, circles in resin and metal types.

While the range currently has something around four hundred and thirty poses it is not being actively expanded.  However we are open to suggestions for new miniatures in the Brickdust range.  So if you would like to see a certain general or regiment or army we would like to hear from you.  Contact us on with your suggestion and we will come back to you.

Thanks for your Time,


Monday, 28 March 2022

New Tengu and Set 10 released for Sengoku 15mm Japanese Fantasy

Its fantasy bird style for today's news as there are now just over two hundred poses in this unique 15mm miniature range at Alternative Armies.  Go HERE.

Almost entirely sculpted by the talented John Bell these latest releases mean massive choice as every miniature is a single pose, a value pack and now ten sets which between them contain every pose in the range for an easy beginning.  

Nine new Tengu and Dai Tengu giving you archers, ninjas as well as a sitting lord, fire blower and female bird creatures. Codes are SGF196 to SGF2024 as well as pack codes SGFP55 snd SGFP56.

As well as the Tengu there is the Set Ten saver pack as well which includes the new poses plus the oddity of the Fuku Tanuki as well Japanese Boxes and Containers.

If you fancy tracking down yokai, creatures, bandits and others as a skilled warrior then look no further than Steve Danes rule set Sengoku Monster Hunter. A Tabletop Game. A game for one to four players set in medieval Japan where monsters and creatures of myth roam the jagged crags and hidden valleys of the Sacred Mountain. It is from the Sengoku setting and has merciless hunters who track down the monsters and slaughter them at every opportunity. Two different books both in print and as digital downloads as well.   The second book 'Rampage' adds many more options to play.

Thanks for Reading,


Thursday, 24 March 2022

Spring Mega Event 2022 all the releases and news until 5th May

One of the biggest events of the year at Alternative Armies.  Until 9pm GMT Thursday 5th May 2022 you will get 20% off every order automatically at checkout, an array of over thirty new releases, a free Alternia Miniature in every package and more.  Full event details are here for you to read. Go to the WEBSITE and have a browse down to the left hand menu and within them sub-menu’s to see what interests you among our thousands of miniatures, bases, books and more.

20% Off Every Order: Once you have put everything into your cart proceed to checkout. Once there our website automatically deducts twenty percent from the cart total on screen before payment is made.  No code needed. You will see the total reduce on screen.  This discount is automatic and applies to everything on the site AND if the product is already discounted on screen (such as a value pack, divisional army pack and everything on our DEALS AND OFFERS pages) then this discount is on top!  So for example all digital titles are 20% less than print and you will get a further 20% off them during the event. Note you may not use any other manually entered discount code during the event.

Free Shipping, Shipping Rates and European Small Order Rate: You can see all our prices for shipping on our WEBSITE including flat rates for door to door courier shipping and Free Shipping.  The UK and Europe have a 'small order' reduced shipping rate.  Note you must reach this amount AFTER your discount is applied for the free shipping to come into force. Some large orders will be sent out for free shipping by UPS Courier and we will inform you of this by email.

Free In Your Package: We like to give our customers a bit more and this applies also during big events. For this entire year there is a different 28mm scale female 'Alternia' our mascot each month which is totally free.  During March it is ALT003 Alternia of Erin, during April it is ALT004 Alternia Easter Girl and as the event ends you will be able at the start of May get ALT005 Alternia Future Warrior as well as the event discount.  See all our Alternia's on our WEBSITE present and past.  The free miniature changes on the 1st of each month and we will announce this as it happens.

Over Thirty New Releases:  A great number of new codes have appeared for this event.  All of these new codes are now on our website to purchase. See them all (and everything since last autumn) in NEW RELEASES as well as on direct links here too.  

Flintloque the Army of the Dark Czar

55027 Zombie Line Colour Party 

Kitton Range

58021 Kitoka Ashigaru Matchlocks (armed with Tanegashima)

Erin Celtic Mythology Range

CM27-04 Gorman Fir Bolg Hero

CM27-05 Tanaí the Fir Bolg Spell Weaver

CMB4 Fir Bolg Warband (10 Miniatures with 10% Saving)

Ion Age 28mm Range

IB57 Balthazar and Jerome

IB58 Khanesha of the Styx Legion

Asgard Classic Fantasy Range

FM1 Troll, FM2 Ogre, FM2A Ogre with Standard, FM2B Ogre Skull, FM2C Mounted Ogre on T Rex, FM3 Giant Rat , FM4 Were Rat, FM6 Large Rat, FM7 Golem V1, FM8 Gargoyle with Feathery Wings, FM9 Harpy V1 and FM2D Ogre Weapons.

HOF 15mm Science Fiction Range

HOF164 Daisy Cutter GNATS Mech

HOF165 Haymaker GNATS Mech

HOT 15mm Fantasy Range

HOT138 Dwarf Handgunners

(We also have new pictures of all Dwarf Codes [HOT1,2,2A,2B,15,17,39,54] plus artillery pieces as single codes too)

Sengoku 15mm Japanese Fantasy Range

SGF196 Tengku Archer

SGF197 Tengu Archer II

SGF198 Tengu Archer III

SGF199 Tengu Ninja

SGF200 Tengu Ninja II

SGFP55 Tengu Archers and Ninjas (12) 

SGF201 Dai Tengu Lord on Chair

SGF202 Dia Tengu Fire Blower

SGF203 Female Dai Tengu with Naginata

SGF204 Robed Female Dia Tengu

SGFP56 Dia Tengu and Fuku Tanuki 

SGFP57 Sengoku Set X  (SGF188-204 with a 10% Saving)

15mm Renaissance and Furioso Range

MR133 Italian Pike Middle Rank  Early 16th Century

MR134 Italian Pike Front Rank Early 16th Century

MR135 Italian Armoured Crossbow Early 16th Century

MR136 Italian Armoured Arquebus Early 16th Century

MR137 Italian Armoured Halberd Early 16th Century

MR138 Italian Armoured Sword Early 16th Century

MR139 Italian Armoured Sword and Buckler Early 16th Century 

SHM 15mm Science Fiction Range

SHM99  Red Planet Princess

SHM100 Security Droid

SHMP28 Biomech Alien Infantry  (10 mixed from SHM101-104 or single choice) 

SHMP29  Exoframe Soldiers  (10 mixed from SHM105-108 or single choice)  

SHMP30  Heavy Exoframe Soldiers (10 mixed from SHM109-110 or single choice)

USEME Game System

UM014 Valiesk a USEME Modern Warfare Campaign Booklet (Print and Digital)

Bradley Miniatures 6mm Range

BR037 Carbad Heavy AFV (Four or Single with Turret Choice)  

Bases for Miniatures - New 50mm Round added!

Deals, Bundles and Offers: We keep all of our biggest savings in one place across all our ranges. See them on our DEALS PAGE.  Save upto 50% off plus offers of added miniatures free. Those keen on our Slaughterloo game system should visit it’s page HERE where divisional army packs already with a saving are all listed. Well worth checking out and the event discount applies ON TOP of prices on the deals page (A Slaughterloo division is 15% off and during the event it is 35% off).  

We have new offers from the HOT Range, the Laserburn Range, the Flintloque Range, Alternate Stars range and Flintloque among others such as the restored P11 Old English Dragon.

Rule Systems and Digital Downloads: At Alternative Armies we have a selection of gaming titles in PRINT and as PAID DIGITAL DOWNLOADS all of which are in this Event. Note also that our download version are 20% cheaper than print and that is before adding them to the cart. Flintloque, Slaughterloo, DarkeStorme plus Sengoku Monster Hunter, Furioso, USEME and Doom Squad plus many more.

Hobby Articles from tabletop gamers:  We are regularly approached by our customers who wish to show off their work and some are kind enough to provide images and text allowing an article for everyone to read.  Here are the articles from this event period.

Want a giant tracked mech for your Xin Trade Fleet forces in Patrol Angis but no model exists?  No problem says Matt Finch. Go to our BLOG to read and see how he did it in a hobby article.  A Zhanshi from a Crookback!  Excellent 15mm Ion Age.

A custom Dark Elf 15mm Army for HOTT 2nd edition in this hobby article by Brendon Burnett.  With kind permission many images, composition list and the theme for a 30AP force.  Made up from Alternative Armies 15mm fantasy miniatures.  See the BLOG.  Enjoy! 

A great hobby article on our BLOG by Gareth Fowler on his painting of two HOTT 15mm Armies one Dwarf and one Orc.  The painting, basing and approach.  Armies from our pre-made with free bases.  Enjoy! 

The true 15mm scale Brickdust Napoleonic Range returned to the world by Alternative Armies.  Over 400 poses and all major nations plus rocket troops, wagons, partizans, naval landing party and more.  Great for any game system.  Excellent value. Go HERE.

We accept many forms of payment through our website such as Paypal and Credit Cards plus Google Pay and Apple Pay.  If you would like to speak to us about an order or you have a question please make contact on or go to our Facebook Group or MeWe page our Forum.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!


Wednesday, 16 March 2022

USEME Series all twelve titles now back in stock and future development

News long delayed due to circumstances beyond our control and awaited is now with us at Alternative Armies.  The entire USEME (Ultra Simple Engine for Miniature Engagements) range of rule booklets is back in A6 print and in deep stock once more.  Go HERE for the dozen titles plus two starter sets with miniatures and scenarios.  Oh and loads of free downloads too.

Very affordable and pocket sized the booklets are also in 'ease print' format as paid for digital downloads too on the same page.  Choose from...

UM001 USE ME Science Fiction

UM002 USE ME High Fantasy

UM003 USE ME World War Two

UM004 USE ME Modern Warfare

UM005 USE ME American Civil War

UM006 USE ME Starship Battles

UM007 USE ME Post Apocalyptic

UM008 USE ME Wild West

UM009 USE ME Zombie Dawn

UM010 USE ME Support Pack (Expansion Title)

UM011 USE ME Cyberpunk

UM013 USE ME Eldritch Horror

UM014 USE ME Valiesk (UM004 Modern Warfare Campaign Book)

You can learn all about each one on its page of the website.  Go HERE and you will also find a lot of free downloads and files for USEME which will add in play including a lot of scenarios for Starship Battles written by Vic Dobson.

The USEME series is active once more in development too and there shall be new titles coming this year with the first one now UM014 USEME Valiesk.  Written by Gavin Syme, Omer Golan, Vic Dobson as well as Robin McAlister and Steve Rysemus these will each cover a new area of tabletop gaming with miniatures.  As always we are open to suggested titles and if you wish to take on penning a USEME then contact us at Alternative Armies for the guidelines.

Get into USEME 15mm Science Fiction with a starter set containing a print booklet, miniatures and scenarios.  There are two to choose from.  Outpost 32 which sees a group of Human troops and alien people trying to hold off a force of Grey Aliens intent on mischief.  Or you could try The Ziggurat of Clem IV in which a force of Zidhe Space Elves encounter Octopod Aliens with both sides intent on victory.  Codes are UMS01 and UMS02.

Thank you for Reading.


Monday, 14 March 2022

Fir Bolg War Banner released for Erin Celtic Myth

A new miniature added to the expanding Erin Range for this month.  This warrior carries the spirit of his people with him to the field of war!

The eighty ninth miniature is a standard bearer for the Fir Bolg as we add in more poses for this growing faction which will see a full warband next month. Go HERE for the range. 

A single Erin metal miniature. See CM26, CM20, CM21 and CM27 codes for other Fir Bolg. 

All this month our free miniature automatically put into every order shipped from here in Scotland is ALT003 Alternia of Erin who makes a super Milesian Female Warrior or Champion if you are into Celtic Mythology.  As you can see she fits right in and our mascot can bring the fight to the Formorians or anyone else. 

Thanks for Reading, 


Saturday, 12 March 2022

Painted Stock big update March 2022

Hand painted miniatures from Alternative Armies ranges by our ladies here in Scotland.  A large update has now been completed with nearly two hundred new ready to ship painted codes added.  Everyone one of them ready to use right out of the box as it were and the price includes not only the miniature itself and its painting but also the base it is mounted on (or element base) and the sculpted basing effect (typically grass but also snow or rubble) too.  Try us out or add to your collection from a single miniature to entire units with flags included for free.  Free Worldwide Shipping kicks in at 50.00GBP (UK), 100.00GBP (Europe), 125.00GBP (North America and rest of world) of product added to cart. 

We have hundreds of happy customers all over the world who purchase painted and based from us every year. While most of these miniatures are sold and shipped out directly there are some which we place onto our website for immediate purchase.  There are several pages.  You can look at the Painted World of Valon (Flintloque and Slaughterloo ranges), Painted 28mm Fantasy and Painted Science Fiction (including The Ion Age) as well as Painted 15mm Scale (for Furioso, HOTT, Patrol Angis and Laserburn).

Enjoy your look around and if you would like a quotation on anything else we offer on our website as a painted item then do ask us.  Email on with codes you are keen on and you will find our prices very reasonable.  Above a recent commission we carried out on Bradley Miniature 15mm Science Fiction several tanks, field guns and armoured cars for example.

Lastly our Deals and Offers page will shortly be reset just as our New Releases page now has been.  We always have great offers on whole sets, single packs and such with up to half price with them being rotated every few months.  Just now 28mm Campfire, 28mm Winter Knight, 15mm Cultist Mob as well as Ion Age Battlesuits feature.  Well worth a look before they change once more at the end of next week.

Thanks for Reading,


Thursday, 10 March 2022

Robots and Trimotes 1980's by Asgard now on the website

A treat today with the return of four more classic science fiction miniatures by Asgard to our website.  The only such releases in the scale of 25mm/ 28mm in March 2022.  

Two Robots and two Trimotes join the Warbirds, Gorgory, Froog, Szithks, Centalons, Thulgs, Glax, Vroom Beasts and others in the combined Asgard and Tabletop part of the website.  1980's cool which Alternative Armies is happy to say is available once more.

The codes are:

X2 Three Armed robot

X3 Hover Robot 

S4 Trimote in Power Armour

Great for any setting and indeed robots are excellent as ship crews or simply to hand in urban centres during a skirmish.

T3 Trimote with Axe (uses generic spears or SF3 Weapons Set in its free hands)

We have a great deal of science fiction to choose from.  

Have you checked out the 28mm Ion Age Range (including the recently remastered IA152 Betrayer Alpha Female above), Alternate Stars or the Space Marines and Adventurers?  

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday, 8 March 2022

5002 Deadloque miniatures return for Flintloque and the 1998 book too

Last month ago we re-released remastered 55003 Graviski Zombie Infantry and told Flintloque fans that the classic and asked for 5002 Deadloque miniatures set would return to the website.  Alternative Armies is committed not only to the continued expansion of Flintloque but also the return of original codes out of production for many years.

Well this promise is now here and also the original 1998 Deadloque book is also now online as a very affordable paid for download.  Excellent!  This is our World of Valon news for the month of March 2022 and if you asked to be told of this news then a message has been sent to you too.

5002 Deadloque Miniatures Set (17 Poses and as Singles)

Gerard and his Elves have been separated from the main body of the retreating 1er Armee du Norde and now find themselves battling for their lives against a group of Undead led by the ruthless Vampyre Officer Grigori Dracsul.  Dracsul has sworn to kill Gerard and his Elves.  The Vampyre and his minions search the tundra of the Witchlands in an effort to find them.  The original sixteen miniatures plus an alternate pose of Armond DeGalis with pistol drawn making seventeen miniatures.  A set with saving or any of them as single miniatures.  Go HERE.

5002 Deadloque Book (1998)

The Sword of Shivalia must be possessed by the Emperor Mordred and so the greatest army ever seen enters the Witchlands. Within the walls of Moskova the trap is sprung and the Emperor barely escapes with his life.  Meanwhile hordes of Zombies and Skeletons fall upon the Grande Armee du Norde and the retreat from Moskova begins.  Can Colonel Etienne Gerard and his band of soldiers make it home alive?  Will the Vampyre officer Grigori Drascul and his rotten troops overseen by Stalinov the Liche stop them?  This is Deadloque...

The expanded Deadloque (written by Mike Roberts) was the current edition of game rules for Flintloque from 1998 to 2002 when Flintloque Reloaded was released.  While we no longer support this edition it is still perfectly playable and ALL your miniatures will work within it including those in 5024 Escape the Dark Czar.  In its pages you will find the Background to the Witchlands Campaign, the Elf Characters, the Undead Characters, Terms & Definitions, Three Scenarios, Flintloque Rules, Elf Summary Sheet, Undead Summary Sheet, Rules and Weapons Tables plus Roster Sheet and Record Sheet.  Go HERE.

The Army of the Dark Czar contains more than sixty codes of Vampyres, Zombies, Skeletons, Wraiths, Ghouls as well as cavalry and artillery all in 28mm scale as foes for your Ferach Empire troops.  Every pack offers typical purchase as well as full units with a saving and single trooper option or more.  You can also get the 5024 Escape the Dark Czar beginners set as well as 5027 Death in the Snow game book which is the inheritor of Deadloque.   Go HERE.

In the future we shall be publishing a free article which will give full game statistics for Flintloque 3rd edition for the Deadloque characters so that you may field them alongside, say, General Saindoux and his survivors.  Now there would be something!

Thank you for reading,