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Friday 16 March 2018

Frontear the Skirmish book and range returns to Alternative Armies

We end the week with some customer response news and an update.  The small spin off range from Flintloque called Frontear is now back on the Alternative Armies website.  Frontear is set in Amerka and covers everything from the Amerkan Rebellion right up to the Civile Warre and the Wylde West with the Alamorque thrown in for good measure.  It is a self contained game book with all the rules and setting you need along with more than a dozen 28mm packs of Orcs, Elves and others.  Released in 2008 it has been out of production since 2011 but now it is back and on its own page.  We have put up the game book as a paid digital download at a great price for 110 pages of content.  Go HERE to check it all out or read on for more.

7000 Frontear the Skirmish – Digital Download Book
A Skirmish Game set in the fantasy World of Valon before, during and after the Mordredian Wars. Located in the New Worlde of Amerka it means adventure on a whole new continent never seen before. Take command of a chosen few characters, be they Uropean Settler races (such as Elves and Orcs) or take the part of Amekan races such as Injians or Gruff and many other strange creatures. Create your characters using the Frontear rulebook and bring them through a number of scenarios with only their wits, skills and their weapons to keep them alive.

In Frontear you can choose to play your games in the 4th Age of Valon (the time of Flintloque) and use Black Powder weapons; or you can choose to game in the 5th Age of the Valon. This is the Perkussion Age, the time of the Civile Warre and the Wylde West. Choose your period! You might choose to create a section of Orcish Colonial Militia to fight for Washertunne and against Kyng Gorge. Or Some Light Cavalry armed with swords who must enforce Great Britorcish aims in the War of Eighteen Bells. Perhaps you would prefer to create a section of Souffern Elf Troopers to fight in the Civile Warre or grab revolvers and set up a posse of Dog, Goblin and others as Cowboys. Then again you could choose to create an artillery crew, some Injian Braves or the Undead. The choices are huge!

Amerka is a massive and varied place and with two Ages of Valon to choose from ideas are easy to come by. Frontear is a fast-play skirmish wargame. Skirmish wargaming is very different from the usual style of wargame. Instead of representing hordes of nameless cannon fodder, each miniature on the game table represents one character, each with unique skills. Skirmish wargaming isn't about controlling an army of faceless soldiers; it's about individuals battling for fame, glory and their lives. In the game of Frontear you are the lord and master of a small band of characters who live in this world of Amerkan Fantasy. Who these characters are is entirely up to you and discovering your characters, creating them, developing their skills and recording their experiences is one of the most fun aspects of playing Frontear. Use the optional advanced skills and magicke talent rules to add even more variety. Frontear uses a compact rules system (developed from Flintloque Reloaded) for its skirmishes which utilises percentile dice (two ten sided dice) with each action needing the character to pass a certain percentage of difficulty to succeed. Along with a combat engine which uses counters on table and is very flexible you will find Frontear fun and rewarding to play. With a full System for Section creation, you will be playing in no time. Keep the rule book at hand in your first few games and from then all you will need is a reference sheet for the easy read tables in the game.

A game of Frontear can be played with as few as one player (in a specially made solo scenario) through to two players all the way up to truly wild games with eight to ten Sections competing for the same objectives.  A game of Frontear can easily be played to completion in one hour making it a great game for an afternoon or evening.  ‘Go on Join the Adventure...Partner!’  Go HERE for the book . Written by Gavin Syme (GBS) with artwork by Edward Jackson. 8.00GBP

The Frontear Range contains fifteen different packs of miniatures with soldiers, civilians, frontear types and gun slingers.  You can purchase a pack or three packs with a 10% saving or choose single miniatures within a pack if you wish to totally tailor your forces.  Go HERE.  This is the list of packs we have.

7001 Wylde Bill and the Gun Fighters  (4 Mixed Miniatures)
7002 Paul La'Regreet Bandits (4 Elf Miniatures)
7003 Paul La'Regreet Bandits II (4 Elf Miniatures)
7100 Alamorque Characters (2 Miniatures)
7101 Alamorque Characters II (2 Miniatures)
7102 Mounted Texecas Volunteer (1 Orc on Horse)

7103 Frontears Orcs (2 Orcs)
7104 Frontears Orcs II (2 Orcs)
7105 Alamorque Troopers  (2 Miniatures)
7106 Alamorque Troopers II (2 Elves)
7107 Alamorque Troopers III (2 Elves)
7108 Alamorque Troopers IV (2 Elves)

7109 Ogre Bounty Hunter (1 Large Miniature)
7110 Frontear Folk I (2 Miniatures)
7112 Civile War Orc Privates (2 Orcs)
7113 Tuko Cattivo (Character Mounted and on Foot)
7114 Angle Van Brutto (Character Mounted and on Foot)

Other Flintloque Miniatures to use with Frontear

While the Frontear range contains miniatures which are spread across the time span of the book there are many miniatures from the Flintloque range which can be used in the 4th Age periods of the Greate Rebellion and the War of Eighteen Bells too.  The uniforms worn by the Army of Great Britorcn with Tricorne and Bircorne head gear along with its artillery will do just fine to fight against your Amerkans or to be in your ranks.  For the mercenaries the Von Rotte Legion is spot on with its appearance.  The Elves of Armorica give you a counterpart for mixed racial units in the Amerkan regiments alongside Orcs, Ratmen, Ogres and other types.  You can learn more by reading the Frontear book and matching them up.  Feel free to ask questions directly on the Alternative Armies Tabletop Wargame Group on Facebook too.

Thanks for Reading!


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