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Thursday 26 September 2024

Selene and Hypnus Portable Weapons of the Khanate

Taken from Academy Auto Trainer Series 66 produced on New Glastonbury in 4337IC in the aftermath of the Return of the Khanate.

The first encounters with infantry support grade weapon platforms came with the initial break out from the Belkus Depression by those Shia Khan forces which had followed the digging machines.  Though a watch was kept on the edges of the crater, which has once been the famed passages of the labyrinth, by planetary defence platoons they were rapidly overwhelmed by the aliens which poured out into the sunlight.  The digging machines had no more than cleared their drive sections of the soft dirt and Legionaries as well as accursed Maligs followed them.  Being some distance off due to the background radiation left over by the detonation of the fusion core the defence troopers had time to made transmissions back to Pelacan city to inform and then call for reinforcements.  What was not expected from vids and audio from the gateway chamber was the immediate reach the enemy had.  It was the first encounter with code name Selene and code name Hypnus portable weapon platforms.

Floating forwards at a steady pace with two alien operators running alongside each of them the Selene platforms opened fire first upon elements of the 3rd Pelacan Regiment at a range beyond their ability to strike back.  A barrage of 20mm cannon shells and laser beams were followed by the shrieking rage of 12.7mm rounds by the thousand and it killed many of the troopers who were unable to find thick enough cover.  It was however once the aliens drew closer and the troopers loosed off anvil rounds and bursts of grenades from their Moth type 12's that the other Khanate platforms entered the fray.  The Hypnus have a single operator who seems to be bonded to the weapon platform by a chair behind a thick gun shield.  The weapons carried by the Hypnus are dangerous in their own right giving off in many cases a degree of radiation or gene potential damage.  Atomic Destabilisers and Triple Plasma mounts tore through Aketon armour and the hulls of a half dozen Steornede Battlesuits at close range with ease.  This led to the loss of the craters edge and marked the start of the remorseless advance of the aliens.  Portable weapon platforms have proven tough to deal with without armoured support and the Khanate makes great use of them especially in urban areas to hold taken junctions and structures.  

There are six primary kinds of Portable Weapon used by the Shia Khan Empire in support of its Legions. The Selene is more plentiful and has been observed with Legionary Gunners as well as Maligs and even Betrayers.

“During the ancient Ban of Prejudice the Espaten was a powerful tool for support in the street fights which raged in underground cities across the Precinct.  In recent years the original gun has been present in all campaigns and it has been broadened as well.  To deal with Battlesuits and larger infantry formations as well as indirect fire missions there are now six variants.  These are  the same weapon systems as used by the new Havelock Type 57 being rolled out to Muster Regiments right now.”  Academy Auto-Trainer Series 07, New Glastonbury, 4325IC

The Prydian Army as well as the Marcher Barons and Condot Companies have an array of Portable Weapons to support their troops.

Combat Robots and Sentient Machines in The Ion Age read this Article on our Blog.

A special article for The Ion Age which tells the story of Combat Robots, the Grima series from concept to miniatures in two scales plus the story from the universe explaining why Artificial Intelligence (Sentient Machines) are outlawed in Prydian Space. 

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