It has been my great pleasure while working at Alternative Armies to have penned the fiction in all of the books of Flintloque 3rd edition. This includes
5026 Death in the Snow which it has been said to me many times that the conflict between two extremely powerful female characters has stayed with the reader even beyond the tabletop and play of the game. Here is an extract from the book.
A strange perfume reminiscent of rose blossom permeated through the dank air and enraptured the group with its heady aroma. For an almost imperceptible moment, Mordred’s senses were overpowered by the puissant fragrance. As the over-whelming sensation swiftly relaxed its grip over the Elf’s faculties, he realised that another figure had joined them in the awakening hallway.
Moving gracefully across the now gleaming oaken floor panels towards the gathered Commanders of the invasion force was the shapely and enigmatic physique of an elegant and alluring woman. Enveloped in a voluminous black dress, her niveous skin glowed in sharp contrast to the dark finery of the gown’s material. A flowing mane of fiery red hair cascaded over her shoulders, softly caressing her back as she glided serenely to the astonished Marshals of Armorica. Casting her captivating hazel gaze towards the Emperor himself, the mysterious beauty introduced herself as the Lady Rosafiend. As her soft, delectable voice poured from her blood-red lips and swathed Mordred in its honeyed lustre, the haughty Elf knew that he had found his Empress.
Apologising for being unable to welcome the travellers earlier, Lady Rosafiend addressed her guests as if she had been expecting them, with her particular attentions being focused towards Mordred himself. Beckoning the assemblage to follow her, she led them into one of the chambers they had passed through earlier. Gesturing towards some velvet-upholstered chairs, she bade the Elves and their companions to be seated. As yet, none had questioned her near supernatural arrival in the gallery, and the congregated dignitaries of the Armorican Empire were too enraptured by her soothing tones and radiant aspect to ask even the simplest questions.
Anticipating their queries, Rosafiend enlightened them with an astonishing discourse made believable only by her hypnotic voice and sensuous mannerisms. Vilnau had once been a magnificent and splendid City, and she had been its ruler. Burgeoning with life, the self-sustained and vibrant metropolis grew in bounds, with its cyclopean spires clawing ever higher into the cold air, proclaiming her power throughout the territory under her exquisite dominion. However, a rival had emerged from the colder climes of the deep Witchlands.
Ingratiating herself to the Star Wraith Aleksander, Rosafiend’s female adversary had espied Vilnau and desired it for herself. Considered second only to Moskova itself, Vilnau had become a model City for the competitive aristocratic families of the Witchlands, and Rosafiend’s jealous enemy resented the esteem Vilnau had brought the noble Lady. Rosafiend, skilled in the esoteric magical arts, believed she had nothing to fear from her young competitor, a Vampyre from the ancient house of Dracsul, one of the most powerful Vampyre families of the Witchlands. The Emperor noted that she had said Vampyres, so the legends were true. He said not a word and let the fascinating and captivating lady continue.
However, the dark machinations of Vampyres had cut down the most unassailable rulers with their vociferous lies and callous manipulations, and Rosafiend found herself unable to prevent her calculating rival from spreading insidious rumours which soon permeated the court of the Star Wraith himself. Accused of growing opulent off the generosity of Aleksander, Rosafiend found her formidable position crumbling around her. As the viperous Dracsul family awaited the day Vilnau would become theirs, Rosafiend desperately tried to avert disaster by travelling to the court of Aleksander to plead her case. Receiving a cold reception at Moskova, she failed to persuade the Star Wraith that the black-hearted Dracsul witch had merely spun a web of lies to further her own nefarious plans, and was ordered back to Vilnau....

Every now and again space opens up for new painting on an existing model and I chose to get
Lamia Wintermore on foot (5005I) in some new red threads. Very much with the notion of seeing her next to her nemesis the
Lady Rosafiend..who lured the Emperor Mordred to near destruction. I hope you like her!
The events in Death in the Snow are those which set in motion the
5024 Escape from the Dark Czar beginners set for Flintloque which follows the attempt of Ferach Survivors to evade the Undead and to get home to Armorica. There are many free scenarios and resources for setting all on the website
All this next week we are releasing new models for Flintloque and new free content and articles so keep an eye to our
BLOG for that. Riding in red and white...these Dragoons are for Kyng Gorge!
I hope you enjoyed this little look at my thinking and thank you all for your support in this uniquely troubling time.