The Alternative Armies Blog

Welcome to the Alternative Armies blog. This blog tells you all about what we are up to and it is where we post our latest tabletop gaming news and articles.
We cover Flintloque and Slaughterloo, High Fantasy, Other Ranges as well as our 15mm scale fantasy, science fiction and historical ranges.
Our game systems and free content such as PDF downloads and reading articles. Enjoy and do dig back in time to see what was going on before now.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. We are always happy to help gamers with their hobby.

Monday 5 August 2024

Last burning month with final two Devilish Imps free in orders

We have reached the last instalment of the ten free any scale Devilish Imps!  If you missed the first month of our first ever multiple month give away in order then see this ARTICLE on our blog.  If you overlooked the second month then see this ARTICLE on our blog to catch up.  Until 2nd September 2024 you will automatically get two Imps carrying burning braziers in your package. The previous eight Imps are now in our FORMALLY FREE collection and the whole set is now out as a Value Pack with saving.

These two Imps are free in your order automatically no need to add to cart.  As long as your order requires shipping they will be in it.  As many orders as you wish.  You may also purchase additional castings of these poses on the website if you desire as singles.

Until 2nd September 2024 included please note No Digital Download only orders for freebies sorry.   If you wish to see what was previously given check out the Former Free Codes Collected where each of them is shown and has a discount too.

Here you see what is currently free and what came before in month one and two.  The full pack of VNT53 Devilish Imps contains all ten with a grand saving.  The ten pack is now released and on the website.

Our DH18 Mountain Dwarf Hero as an example of 28mm scale and Tabletop Miniatures Human Character for 15mm scale. Imps are useful in loads of settings and scales.

Rain stone death upon your foes!  Our old school style OH36-03 Torsion Catapult metal kit 28mm scale is 20% off in the Deals and Offers page.

Thank you for reading this far.  A wee glimpse of what is coming is yours for sticking with it to here.  August 2024 will see 15mm Ion Age releases with four more vehicles and awaited and as promised the second part of Jes Goodwin’s Orcs by Asgard (above is OR2 from the first restored part).  News will happen as these appear and late in this month will see our Summer Sizzler mini-event as well.

Thanks for Reading!

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