Welcome to the new month and what a strange time we are living in now. April saw twenty new codes in 28mm, 15mm and 6mm scales across many of our ranges all now in our
NEW RELEASES page of the website. The annual March to War event is now over and we wish to thank everyone for their custom. Alternative Armies is open and working within the guidelines laid down in the UK for social distancing. As our regular customers will know we like to offer something extra for free. All this month you will get TEN free little Goblins automatically included in your package as it mails out. Go
HERE to see Nilbogs Backwoods Goblin Band or read on for more.

“Swarm is not a word I use easily lad. A swarm of animals of insects and things that crawl or fly and take to nests yes, those be swarms. But swarm is the word used when talking of Nilbog. That Goblin vermin is weak but he is strong in numbers and that makes him dangerous. The Backwoods Band swore their loyalty to the warlord Karnok back when we were amid the ruins of Talno. Goblins were to face us, we knew that. But had we known of the swarm then perhaps we would not have fought among the ruins. When the Backwoods Band arrived they surely outnumbered us a dozen to one perhaps more. With sword and spear we made short work of each Goblin leaving them pulped at our boots but one by one my men were brought down by many hands and daggers. So a swarm. I would rather have faced a Wyvern...at least we would only have had to look in one direction for death!”
OH1 Nilbogs Backwoods Goblin Band
This code contains ten different 28mm metal miniatures. Goblins armed with a variety of weapons including Sword, Dagger, Mace, Polearm and Bow with each model approx 19mm tall. Go
HERE to see our entire Orc and Goblin Horde.
Ending 9am GMT 1st June 2020 we will automatically add a pack of OH1 (worth 11.50GBP) to every order shipped out from here in Scotland. You need do nothing but place your order and we will put one in for you. Of course you can order from OH1 as normal as well and if you do you will get the free pack as well. Please note this offer applies to any order placed by webstore, by phone or by email and post which requires shipping (Digital Download books only does not count sorry!). Supplied unpainted and without bases.
News from Alternative Armies for May 2020
You might have just read the above in this article and thought..wow! Ten free Goblins. I will tell you how we choose our free code for the month to explain this and as I have been asked as well. We have a list of six possibles and we roll a D6 to choose it. True and very wargamer eh! Next time around the selected code is removed and another added and the roll is made again. So we never know for sure what it will be and it means something possibly radically different each time. Typically there will be a Fantasy, Flintloque, Science Fiction, 15mm, 6mm and Ion Age item on the list of varying value. So now you know and why we are offering ten free little Goblins!

Due to the Corvid19 pandemic we have suspended our new print title releases and publication re-print runs as well (and thus the digital versions will also be held back). This means any title on our site which is out of print will remain so for the present time. The World of Valon duelling game En Garde and two USEME titles planned for May 2020 will happen later on. If you wish to be informed of when new titles will happen please contact us on sales@alternative-armies.com and we will let you know.
This month we will have free content for you to enjoy. Several articles and scenarios for our game systems. Among these will be optional rules for giant mecha in USEME as well as Bio-Constructs in USEME and a Flintloque scenario which was meant to be published back in 2012 too.
Across the last weekend of this month we will have a special offer which will reach just into June. A chance to stock up for summer for four days only. If you would like to be notified by email then contact us on
sales@alternative-armies.com. We will have some releases during the month too. We have also updated our
Collected Bundles page where the biggest savings are to be found.
Thanks for Reading,