“So we will attack the Krolsberg Brewery, probably the best brewery on Valon, in doing so steal the recipe for the most favoured bier of the Dwarves. Then we will sell it to other lesser brew masters and in doing so ruin the city of Monich and, though I do not tell these troops under my command it will also rip the Krautan League asunder. For cheaper special brews will be exported and end the reputation of Krolsberg and with that break the spirit of every Nain!” Johann Von Drikenbahn. Spy in the pay of Mordred's Empire on the eve of the Beir Wars.
Possible have flown, ideas been passed around, thoughts ruminated upon and now its time to show you the first code in a simply huge expansion to the World of Valon. We present the Legion de Nain Line! Eight new poses of Dwarf and the beginning point for The Beir Wars. Every one of these short chaps is a real character for your forces.
52523 Legion de Nain Line
This is the core infantry of the legions armed with Dwarf Musket MkII and in campaign dress for all weathers. Long coat and boots as well as the Raupenhelm (caterpillar helmet). An Officer pointing while holding an Axe, Banner Bearer with Musker, Sergeant with Halberd and arm raised plus Musician with Drum. Four different poses of trooper these being advancing, marching, firing and loading (our favourite pose). Packs on back and items such as bed rolls, satchels and bottles about their persons.

You can choose from a pack of ten miniatures (all eight poses plus two more troopers) or a unit of twenty (ten more troopers with a saving built in) or a single booster of one. Order the single and you will get one random trooper, order more singles and we will give you different troopers. If you want a command pose single then details are on the page. Go HERE for 52523 and scroll through the pictures on its page as after the main images there is a front and rear of every pose so that you can see them in great detail.
Drawn from across the former Krautan League (now Krautia and the Ferach controlled Confederation of Finklestein) and its hundreds of small or tiny states and cites the Legion de Nain was its armed force for protection and attack. Drawn from all over and pooled. Seven legions identically outfitted and armed made up of infantry, cavalry, artillery as well as senior command and specialised units who differed only in the colours of their uniforms came to blows in the Bier Wars; as each declared its favourite tipple and thus loyalty. As well as Krautian regular soldiers and troops from Beervaria the legions skirmished with each other and also fought several pitched battles all in an effort to control the recipe for Krolsberg bier which had been stolen from the Monich Brewery by the Dwarish ferach spy Johann Von Drikenbahn. Breweries and drinking halls all across the League were burned down or captured. The legions of the league would never be the same again.

As we progress in this year more releases will happen monthly as we expand the Legion de Nain and work towards it as a full force of all arms (the biggest ever expansion to the miniature range for a single army) we will also be slowly putting together a Flintloque campaign book on the Monich Beir War too. Resident Valonian artist Edward Jackson will once again be creating artwork for this title and here you can see one of the first works. Follow this on the Bier Wars TAG of our blog.

It has been a quarter of a century since the first classic Legion de Nain blister codes were sculpted and these brand new Dwarves are very much in their style. In fact they fit right in with the original codes and thus in May we will be putting all the originals out in new molds as well as a new officer for the Finklestein Line Infantry (the original Legion de Nain) and a couple of separate characters such as the Finklestein Dwarf Messenger too. More on that next month plus other news. Above is General Saindoux an Elf character from 5024 Escape the Dark Czar next to one of the original legion Dwarves for scale.
If you would like to get into Flintloque in the lands of the Dwarfs then look no further than 5028 Beir and Bones game book. On its own with full rules in print or as a digital download or as a shilling starter pack with miniatures and scenarios. Go HERE.
If you have any questions please contact us on sales@alternative-armies.com and ask.
Thanks for reading and enjoy a pint while you can...