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Wednesday 5 June 2024

3D Roleplay IV Con AAR and Prizes given 2024

Alternative Armies was delighted to again sponsor the great American convention 3D Roleplay; now in its fourth year. This After Action Report comes from Hank who organises these two days which focus on the cool golden age of metal miniatures and proper fun! Read the lead up to the last time on our BLOG if you want to know more. 
Last time we sponsored with 28mm Ion Age miniatures and this time with 28mm Monsters and Creatures giving the guys some excellent prizes. Here is Hank’s after action report and for those keen you can follow the convention on Intragram on their account. Also this year there was a professional photographer on hand and the photos in this article are his. See Jordan Conway for more of his work or if you want to hire his talent. Take it away Hank: 

(Click on the pictures to make them much larger)
3DR Con IV - Official Recap - May 4th & 5th, 2024: This past weekend, the 4th annual Oldhammer convention 3D Roleplay Con (IV) in Portland, Oregon (USA) took place. It was the best one yet & truly a fantastic time! So much love & enthusiasm for the 'games of old' & the fantasy wargaming hobby as a whole. 

3D Roleplay Con is an annual Oldhammer gaming convention championing the golden-era of fantasy wargaming & roleplaying, with an emphasis on 1980’s editions of Warhammer, Rogue Trader & the like... Folks travelled from as far away as Vancouver, BC to roll dice & trade old lead miniatures with like minded gamers. 

Around 40 people this year gathered at the quaint convention hall in southeast Portland around 9am on Saturday, May 4th. Instantly, folks were rolling dice in a game of Rogue Trader from 1987 in a scenario that pitted space pirates & Imperial marines against one another, whilst an alien menace (catachan devil) stalked them both. 

Next, there was a Warhammer Ancient Battles game of Saxon Pagan invaders warring against King Arthur and his legion defending Mount Badon. Then, we had a game of the 54mm Inquisitor take place. From there, a custom skirmish scenario of Warhammer Fantasy Battle (3rd Edition) took place. It was called "Where Eagles Dare" and involved poachers trying to pilfer the eggs of giant eagles on a lonely hillock known as "Eagle's Drift". 

On Saturday evening, we ended the first day of the convention with a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario 1986 by Carl Sargent, "The Grapes of Wrath," where five adventurers uncovered a nefarious chaos plot to ruin the harvest of a prosperous village south of Middenheim. 

Of course, there was a hard fought Mordheim tournament on Saturday & Sunday all day, as well! 
On Sunday, there was another game of Rogue Trader in a custom scenario that involved the starship thief & cardcheat, Abdul Goldberg, on the run from Imperial agents & bounty hunters. 

There were game demos of Warmaster going on during the afternoon, as well as the original Adeptus Titanicus game from 1988. 
We're really lucky to have such a great community of folks attend 3DR Con, year after year. I couldn't ask for a better group of 'Oldhammer Warriors'! 
We're looking forward to 3DR Con V in 2025! - Hank Richardson 
We hope you enjoyed this AAR and if you would like Alternative Armies to consider sponsoring your convention or event then please contact us on giving us location, date, event title and details. 
We can offer you prizes! Above are a couple of the monster prizes sent to this convention FL11 Wizards Party and VNT32 Splendorous Djinn.
 Thanks for Reading.

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