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Tuesday 9 April 2024

Sitting this one out three new 15mm ECW wounded released

Releases continue to expand our new 17th century for English Civil War in 15mm range which now contains sixty poses.  These three casualties give the sitting wounded of the King or of Parliament to use with any game system including Furioso.  Remember we have pre-made armies with saving and free bases for Furioso English Civil War too.

Ideal for dressing your table or placing on element bases or even dioramas these three add to three walking wounded and six dead poses.  Here are the codes:

MR171 English Sitting Wounded Wide Hat 17thC

MR172 English Sitting Wounded Pot Helmet

MR173 English Sitting Wounded Hat 17thC

Every pose in the range can be had as a single including the command sets and artillery crews and mounted command simply by selecting on their page the pose you desire.  There are also the original 1980’s era 17th Century codes MR48 to MR69 and MRC28 to MRC53 restored on the website as singles.

We have an array of suitable terrain such as tents, buildings, ruined walls and campfire for your 15mm wargaming in the 17th century.

Written by Steve Danes (author of Doom Squad, Sengoku Monster Hunter and the other Furioso titles) Furioso English Civil War rules in print and digital download are easy to learn and flexible allowing big battles to be fought with ease.  A lot of setting flavour for the ECW and personalities as well from it in the rules.


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